Nargiza Rahmatullayeva Nargiza Rahmatullayeva

Teaching Practice-3
B1 level


In this lesson, ss will practice reading receptive skills and students compare thier childhood with their current life. First ss are shown real toys and electronic devices to get an idea about the topic. Then ss skim for the main idea of the text. Thirdly, ss learn pre-teaching blockers from the text. Then they read for detail. Ss do the vocabulary activity and lastly, they produce the outcome (Speaking Activity).


Abc New Headway Forth Edition
Abc Handouts

Main Aims

  • Practicing reading for general ideas and reading for detail

Subsidiary Aims

  • Practicing speaking through a reading text and learning new words from context


Warmer (1-2 minutes) • Taking attentions and engage students to be active

Teacher brings toys and eloctronic devices that children played with in the past and the present respectively. T asks students 'What do you think about these toys and electronic devices? After ss give their answers, T passes on to the next activity.

Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To activate background schemata

(Activity1 New Headway, 4th Edition, Intermediate Student's Book Oxford University Press, 2016) After a few answers, T asks students to close their eyes and asks 'Imagine you are ten years old now. Look around! What can you see? Are there any electronic items?' T asks them to open their eyes and asks 'Which items from the table did you see ?' (Activity2) T gives students handouts to read that include the intoduction part of the text and asks students to answer four questions in pairs. ICQ- 'How many questions are you going to answer? 'Who are you going to work with?' Teacher asks ss to compare their answers in their groups

Prediction (10-12 minutes) • Overall idea about the lesson

(Activity3 New Headway, 4th Edition, Intermediate SB, Oxford University Press p. 34) T shows a photo from the text and asks the whole class 'Who are these people? Are they happy? What do you think the experiment was?' T gets the feedback from the whole class. (Activity4New Headway, 4th Edition, Intermediate SB, Oxford University Press p. 34) T gives out handouts and asks students to pay attention to the words from each paragraph.T also shows PP on the projector which includes three questions. 'How did the experiment start? Did the experiment affect the lifestyle of the family? Did they benefit from the experiment?' Students share their answers with their partner. (Activity5 New Headway, 4th Edition, Intermediate SB, Oxford University Press p. 34)) Teacher gives out the text and sets a time limit. T asks them to read from paragraph one to five very quickly.(Individually) After they are done, T asks 'Were your predictions correct or not?

Pre-teach vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • To unblock key words to help ss to understand the text

-T shows pictures and handouts to the ss.(Google Images) and asks students to match the words with the pictures according to their meaning in their groups. -ICQ: Are you going to match the words on your own? (No) - After they are done, T asks one student from each group to match it on WB. If someone can't match the words, T asks the whole the class to correct the mistake. -T also asks them to pronounce the words. If they misspronounce the words, T demonstrates and asks students to repeat after her/him.

Reading for detail (5-7 minutes) • To ensure detailed comprehension of the text

(Activity 6 New Headway, 4th Edition, Intermediate SB, Oxford University Press p. 35) -T hands out eight questions and asks ss to find the answers from the text on their own. After they are done, they compare their answers with their partners and then with their groups. ICQ: Do you read aloud? No Do you find the answers with your partner? No How many questions do you answer? Eight

Vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • To recycle what they learnt from the text

-Ss are given six sentenses separately and asked to match them with the phrasal verbs which have been selected from the text and ss should be able to replace the words in bold with a word from the list. Ss are asked to work with their groups. T gives limited time to finish so groups compete with each other. ICQ Do you work alone? No After they are done, T asks students to stand up and check their answers with other groups to see whether they have done the activity correctly or not. T also projects the correct answers on to the WB.

Speaking (3-5 minutes) • To provide output; to consolidate what they learnt during the lesson.

T asks students some questions: 'What household rules can be a good idea for families. Why? 'Do you have any household rules in your family? If so what are they?

Free activity

the teacher gives charts with questions to the students and asks them to get up and find two students and ask those questions and get some information about themselves. For example, "When usually do you get up?" After they are done, students report what they find out about their friends.

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