TP 5
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn how to use yet, just, and already in the past perfect.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of present perfect in the context of yet, just, and already.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of language used for present perfect in the context of yet, just, and already.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will show SLIDE ONE and elicit "argue" to remind sts of the meaning, T will model and drill pronunciation.

Pre-Listening and listening (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through pictures.

T will show SLIDE 2 and elicit from sts what the pictures might be showing "What are they arguing about?". Sts discuss in pairs or in groups of 3 for 3 minutes. FB: T will play track 2.15 and students will check their answers. T will write what they said up on the board, next to the picture.

Guided Discovery (5-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the present perfect and yet, just, already

T will switch to SLIDE 3. T will handout WS 1 and play listening again, sts fill in the correct verb. FB: T elicits answers from the sts, T writes on the board. T elicits sts if they can recognize the tense. If not, T will give CCQs like, "Is it in the simple present? No., Is it in the simple past? No., Is it in the present perfect? Yes.".

Clarification (4-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning of when to use yet, just, already

T will focus sts attention to Dialog 1 on WS 1. T will say "Look at the first two questions. Are they about a specific time? NO. Are they about a non specific time? YES." T will then tell sts to underline YET, JUST, ALREADY in the dialog on WS 1. FB: Sts check their answers with peers, then WC FB. T will elicit, "Look at yet in the dialogs. Do we use 'yet' in positive or negative sentences? NEGATIVE. Can we use 'yet' in questions? YES. Look at the dialog. Where do we always find yet? At the end." T will elicit, "Has the action finished? NO. Will the action finish soon? YES." T will elicit, "Look at the dialogs. Do we use 'just' in positive or negative sentences? POSITIVE. Do we put 'just' before or after the main verb? BEFORE." T will elicit, "Did it happen a short time ago or a long time ago? A SHORT TIME AGO." T will elicit, "Look at the dialogs. Do we use already in positive or negative sentences? POSITIVE. Do we put 'already' before or after the main verb? BEFORE." T will elicit, "Did it happen earlier or later than expected? EARLIER."

Controlled Practice (3-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T will change to SLIDE 4. T will handout WS 2 and sts will fold the paper so that PART B is only showing. T will demonstrate #1, PART 2 for sts. Sts will have 3 minutes to complete the rest. Early finishers will check with other early finishers and then be given board markers by the T to fill in the answers. FB: PW-WC

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T will change to SLIDE 5. T will handout WS 2 and sts will flip the paper so that PART A is only showing. T will demonstrate #1, PART A for sts. Sts will have 8 minutes to complete the rest. Early finishers will check with other early finishers and then be given board markers by the T to fill in the answers. FB: PW-WC

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T will divide students into pairs. T will handout WS 3. Sts will be able to practice and identify the correct the person their partner is talking about able label the correct person in the blank.

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