CELTA - Explore Speaking TP3
Intermediate B1 level
Main Aims
To provide accuracy speaking practice in Conversation Practice within the context of giving opinion and asking for clarification as well as asking for clarity with a context around technology and internet usage.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide inference listening practice using a Conversation about a mans day in the context of A man discussing his day with his colleague, a stranger and a friend
Procedure (45-55 minutes)
Ss in groups are handed copies of pictures / photos Ss discuss in their groups to find out what the pictures are trying to say / mean Elicit clarification from Ss CCQ's: Do the people understand what is being said in the photo? Do they need to do something to understand what is going on? What do they need to do? When they ask the questions what happens? we are now more ...? Clear we have...? Clarity
Ss listen to Track 1.17 Write on the board: a Frend, a colleague, a starnger Ss then have to decide in each conversation is he talking to: Ss Check in their pairs discuss if they agree.(1 Min) Ss then listen Again to find out what each converstaion is about.: Ss then discuss together to compare answers (2 Min) Ss are then given the Text to quickly read and discuss in pairs check if they are correct. WG Feed back concept check: Which one was Eric speaking with the starnger? What was the conversation about? What was the problem? , was there a problem with the ticket? what was the problem with the train? Whuch one was Eric speaking to a friend? What was the conversation about? Is he telling his friend about someone he met? How did he get to know this person? Which conversation is about talking to a colleugue? where was the problem? was it at Erics house? What was the problem his colleugue was talking about?
Ss examine transcripts further looking at the highlighted text (Individual) Exercise 2 a & b Ss indicate which part of the highlighted text relates to: 1 Asking for clarification 2 Clarify what they are saying Group's of 4-6 Check As a group (4-6) Ss then seperate the statements in the box into group 1 or 2 (as above) (on a piece of A4 Paper) Fb The two columns drawn on the board random groups are chosen to write a sentence in the correct column.
Ss are modeled the following statements using (E.C.D.W) backwards drilling: What I meant to say.... What exactly do you mean.... so you're saying... No I was trying to say... Sentence relay to practice ... sentence above put on cards In 2 teams Ss line up the person at the back end reads in a whisper one of the sentences to the next in line this gets passed from person to person until the last person writes the sentence on the board. the person at the front then runs to the back and it starts again. (to practice pronunciation and target language in a fun way). The winning team is the team with all their sentences written on the board.
In Pairs Ss choose one of the conversations to practice each taking on one of the speakers roles. Ss then practice again swapping roles but changing some of the highlighted words with the sentences / statements they drilled and used in the game earlier. FB. Ask random Ss which highlighted statements did they substitute for what new sentence.
Individually Ss chose on of the sentence topics / questions (Projected / written on the board) Ss make notes in preperation for practice Ss to consider their opinions on their chosen question/topic Ss then practice a conversation telling their partner their opinion on the topic / question their partner then listens and asks for clarity using the learnt language Ss clarify their language SS then swap roles in their discussion Fb From distant monitoring Point out some errors and good examples.
Ss change partners Ss choose another question or topic and prepare their opinions on the topic Ss then take in turns to discuss/ give their opinion as before Ss ask for and provide clarity, then Ss mingle around the room talkning to a different partner every 40 secs (40 seconds will be sounded by the teacher clapping their hands) FB following discrete monitioring good examples and improvement ideas are provided on the board.