Unit 4 Family
Beginner level
Main Aims
To provide clarification of family lexis in the context of family
Subsidiary Aims
To provide specific information listening practice using a text about family lexis in the context of family
Procedure (42-60 minutes)
T will show slide 1, a picture of his own family. Sts will discuss and see what kind of language they can produce.
T will put up a slide 2 of an empty family tree, using T's own family as an example. Sts will use their prior knowledge to try and identify TL, example, "mother, father, son, parents, etc.". FB: T will hand board markers to sts who will then fill in the missing spaces with the TL, along with other vocabulary sts might have missed. T will model pronunciation and stress.
Step 1: T will divide class into groups of 3 or 4 by dividing sts, ex. "apple, banana, orange, apple....". Sts will then stand up and study their family trees that are hanging along the walls. Sts will be given cutouts of the target language and the names of the characters pictured on their family trees, example, "'Bart, Brother', Lisa, Daughter', 'Marge, Wife', Homer, Father', etc.". Step 2: T hands out WS 2. Sts fill out what they already know from their respective family tree. T calls out "orange!" to raise their hands. T tells "orange" sts to cycle clockwise and help their new group with WS 2. T calls out "apple!" to raise their hand. T tells "apple" to cycle counterclockwise and apple will help their new group with WS 2. T will monitor st progress.
T will put up Slide 3 showing the family tree from Ex 4, Unit 4, Pg 25. T will then hand out WS 1. Sts will look at the family tree and complete WS 1 with the correct answer. FB: Sts will peer check their work. T will then play listening track 4.4, sts will listen for the correct answers T then shows Slide 4. Sts see the corrections. T models correct forms.
T will show slide 5. T will model and write the questions in the blank bubbles on the slide. T will choose one of the family trees from the previous GW. T will point and elicit, "Who's this?" Sts should answer, "'He's Bart's sister.', 'She's Marge's daughter.', He's Homer's son.'" Sts will then do this with their family tree. T will monitor progress.