TP 4
Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of language used for likes and dislikes in the context of free time activities
Subsidiary Aims
To provide practice and review of vocabulary related to free time activities in the context of likes and dislikes
Procedure (29-39 minutes)
This is a likes and dislikes miming game. I will first show them a slide with a picture of some food I like eating, and then start miming eating that food with great joy. And try to elicit from them a question or a sentence about it. I will do some more examples just by miming, or by drawing a picture on the board and then miming. After eliciting the right sentences or questions, I will try to elicit the word "mime" from them. Then, I will tell them, in one minute, to think of something they like or dislike (doing), and then come up to the board, and through miming and facial expressions try to get a correct sentence from their classmates about how they feel about that thing or action. They can draw pictures and then mime and make facial expressions for their feelings about it, or they just mime an action and make facial expressions to show us if they like it or not. Since some of the students may be shy about this activity, I will only invite the volunteering ones to the whiteboard.
I will deliver the students a sheet with names and pictures of free time activities on it, and I will instruct them to match the words/phrases to pictures. The students will work on it individually for 2 minutes. Then, we will check and mark the answers on a slide altogether through discussing on the things in the pictures.
I will draw a cline on the board, with a very happy face at one end, and a frustrated one at the other hand. I will write "I love ..." and "I hate ..." next to these face drawings. I will draw other faces with expressions of like and dislike in the correct order, and will try to elicit the correct expressions of like and dislike from the students. Thus, I will highlight different phrases to show degrees of like and dislike through use of a the cline. Through using CCQs, I will check if students have a correct understanding of these degrees.
After highlighting the degrees of like and dislike phrases, I will note some model sentences in two columns on the whiteboard. One of the colums will include sentences with V+ing form after phrases of likes and dislikes, while the other will have only nouns after the phrases. I will clarify the form through breaking the sentences into its parts, and elicit some more sentences from the students. Then I will nominate different students to tell about some things they like and dislike doing at the weekend, and I will model reacting with the correct phrases. Then, I will draw another table on the board to clarify the phrases we use to show that we agree or disagree with likes and dislikes.
The students will work in pairs, and ask questions and talk about the things they like or dislike. They will make use of the free time activities vocabulary from the earlier exercises and lessons, and will try to comment about their personal preferences. Their partners will use the necessary phrases showing they like/dislike the same thing.