secrets and lies
Upper-Intermediate (B2) level


in this lesson, students will learn and practice about secrets, lies, making confession and giving their opinions about other people's confession and whether to forgive them or not. they will be doing it via a listening task, which is a long one about 10 minutes. there are four people making a confession on a radio programme. and finally, there is speaking activity about secrets and lies.


Abc Warm-up handouts
Abc Gist questions
Abc Vocabulary avtivity
Abc Reference questions (comprehension stage)
Abc Post-listening speaking activity

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, inference and specific information listening practice using a text about secrets and lies in the context of BBC Radio programme

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a secrets and lies in the context of BBC Radio programme
  • To provide clarification of secrets and lies in the context of BBC Radio programme


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. The teacher will start class by showing a picture of a prank and try to elicit the word practical jokes. It needs to be done in a minute and then moves on to the pair work warm up. CCQ (1. how do you feel if sb will do it with you? 2. is it kind of a joke? 3. is it funny? ) 2. The teacher gives HOs with two genres, lies (or white lies) and practical jokes. Ss stand up and take a paper and then find a partner in about 30 seconds( having a background music as a timer). 3. Students will have about 2 minutes to share about themselves using the card they have. There is no need for feedback since the main aim is listening and it's a long 10-minute listening. If the first 5 minute of warm-up is left, the background music will be played and students find a new partner. but it depends if at least 2 minutes will be left.

Pre-Reading/Listening (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1. Students are given HOs of vocabulary, this listening has many vocabs but since the main aim is listening, this exercise has been tried to be simple and not take more than 5 minutes. So students match sentences with their pictures. In this way, they will have a clearer vision about the things they are going to listen to and also about the words that may hinder their understanding. 2. For feedback, the answers are shown on the board via projector.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-14 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

1. Before giving HOs, the instruction will be given. Students need to first read the 4 sentences in 20 seconds, then listen to the audio and try to match the sentences with picture and correct any wrong information. When they read the sentences before they start to listen to, they have a clearer idea what they want to do and surely they will be doing it individually. Demonstration: Teacher plays the first part of the audio and then pauses and uses the CCQs to set the task clear to Ss. After each person, there will be a pause of one minute to let Ss check their answers. 2. FB: Ss compare their answers with their partners and then look at the answer key on the bottom or back of the paper.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (11-15 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

1. Instruction is given, Ss should take note and after each speaker, there is a pause to let Ss check with their pairs. Then the first speaker will be played and get FB and give answers (this will be done, if teacher realises that on the gist stage they couldn't get much out of the listening and then elicit the answers as an example with the whole class) and then move on playing the other speaker again with a pause of less than a minute. 2. FB: (if there is enough time) then Ss share their answers with a new partner who is sitting next to them, if not enough time, they will be asked to look at the answer keys on the bottom of the page.

Post-Reading/Listening (3-5 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1. Instruction: Ss are given a 1 minute time to write down their own ideas individually in order to have sth to say especially for the more silent Ss. Then they share their ideas and should support their ideas in groups of three. 2. FB: Teacher asks Ss' answer to question 3 and writes them down on the board to let the class know different occasions that it is ok to tell a lie or keep a secret.

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