Spoken Expressions: Showing interest and surprise
B2 Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson students will be focusing on their speaking skills (productive skills) in the form of a dialogue and sub aim consists of pre-teaching vocabulary that will include stress & intonation patterns as part of their language practice. This will relate to use the use of Everyday English expressions in the form of interest and surprise.


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in the form of a dialogue in the context of Everyday English

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide language practice using spoken expressions in the form of interest and surprise in Everyday English


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher sets up classroom with students. Teacher instructs game of 'Onion ring' in a file of two groups facing one and other. Teacher asks three questions in total. Students take turn asking and answering. Three questions as follows: 1) "What do you love about Istanbul?" 2) If you had a choice to go somewhere, where would you travel to?" 3) What do you like learning about the English language? Teacher nominates a strong student to make instruction clear and show other students, to take turns and try and respond with an expression of interest or surprise. Students practice the spoken expressions based on the three questions above. Teacher instructs to change pairs after each question. Teacher monitors from a distance.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Teacher shows visual on OHP through PPT of two women showing expressions of interest and surprise. Teacher instructs students to silently look at the picture to guess their expressions and reactions. Teacher puts students in pairs to discuss what the two women might be talking about. Teacher elicits guesses of showing interest and surprise from the picture by nominating a student to respond. Teacher plays audio track for students to listen to the first two lines on Exercise 1. Teacher asks ICQ: "What will you do?" (Listen to the first two lines) Teacher elicits B's response as an example. - "How did 'B' sound about what she heard?" Teacher gives students task 1; to look at their fill-in-the-gap sheet. Teacher then plays the rest of the recording for students to complete filling in B's answers. Peer check follows. Whole class feedback includes showing the Answer key on OHP through PPT.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Teacher allows appropriate usage of Meaning, Form and Pronunciation (MFP) by pre-teaching the vocabulary list by eliciting, gesturing and using some visuals on OHP for students to see and understand the meanings more clearly. Teacher writes vocabulary list on WB with part of speech written beside each lexis item. e.g. Traffic jam (Noun) Teacher elicits stress pattern, drills intonation and repeats chorally for fluency.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Teacher first instructs students to quickly look through the Exercise 3 sheet individually before handing the sheet out. Teacher informs students to use either echo or reply questions. Teacher asks ICQ's - "How would you complete the conversation?" (with either echo question or reply question). Teacher further elicits and nominates a strong student to answer - "What is an Echo question?" and then to another student, "What is a reply question?" Teacher instructs students to complete exercise 3 individually. Teacher monitors from a distance. Peer check. Whole class feedback - Teacher shows answer key whilst students compare their answers in pairs. Students to now practice the completed conversation with each other. Teacher nominates a pair to practice their conversation while whole class listens. Teacher informs students to listen to some example statements and nominate one to respond with either an echo or a reply question. "Hey, you won't believe, my cat is very pregnant!" (Student response) Yes, she looks very big now. I think she is going to have 2 kittens this time" Students to practice their own statements, and questions in pairs. Teacher monitors for later feedback. Whole class feedback - teacher drills any mispronunciations and drills in intonation of any flat sounded responses.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Teacher to refer students back to Exercise 1. Teacher to ask students to re-check the difference between echo questions and reply questions. Teacher drills the pronunciation of words from the conversation through intonation on both types of questions on Exercise 1. Teacher puts students into pairs to practice the conversation on Exercise 1. Teacher monitors. Class feedback to do any drillings of pronunciation and to correct students to use the correct rising or falling intonation sounds.

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