Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about some phrases for special days through guided discovery based on a listening task about special days. The lesson starts with a warm-up activity related to St. Valentine's Day. This is followed by a group activity where students are instructed to match some celebration cards with corresponding speacial days, and later, with phrases used on these special days. Then, there is some vocabulary practice about the names of months and about ordinal numbers. Finally, students do some controlled practice in pairs through writing, and then talking with their partners about four dates that are important to them.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of language used for celebrating special days in the context of special days

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of names of months, and use of ordinal numbers in the context of asking and telling about dates


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will get the students to form 4 or 5 groups, and will deliver each group a single page of the same phrases meaning "I love you" in different languages, with which I assume they are unfamiliar. I will instruct them to discuss and guess the meanings of these phrases in their groups in 1 minute. I will ask them for their guesses and will not confirm them until I am finished with all the groups. Then I will confirm or disclose the correct answer, and I will ask them questions such as "Who uses this expression?", "To whom?" and "When?". Then, my final question will be "Do we use this phrase on a special day, too?" And then I will list some of the special days on which this phrase is used on the whiteboard.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I will deliver groups of students the pictures of some celebration cards, and I will instruct them to discuss and match those cards with the special days I listed on the whiteboard. Then, I will ask each group for a match with a different card, and I will write the correct matches on the board. Then, I will drill these words/phrases with the class. After that, I will instruct them to listen to five conversations. After each conversation, I will stop the recording and ask them which special day it is about. Then I will ask them what they say to celebrate it, and note the phrases on the board.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

After the listening task, there will be 2 columns of phrases on the board: one for special days, and one for phrases. I will highlight that specific phrases are used with special days, and I will drill these words and phrases with the students.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

I will instruct the students to look at the columns of special days and phrases on the board, and to tell me which phrase matches with which day. After eliciting and noting the correct answers on the whiteboard, I will clarify to them that we use specific phrases for special days through use of some CCQs such as "Do we say 'Happy anniversary!' when it is someone's birthday?". After clarifying the meaning, I will clarify the form of these phrases through writing word-sets for 'Happy ...' on the board, and elicit some more examples of special days that can be used as 'Happy .... Day!'.

Vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • To clarify vocabulary for telling the date

I will write today's date on the board, and ask the students to tell me what it is. I will try to elicit the word 'date' from the students, and ask them to say the date I wrote on the board. Then I will write the correct wording on the board, and try to elicit and clarify the meaning and the form of the wording. Then, I will deliver them the worksheet about the months of the year and instruct them to do it individually, and I will drill the correct answers with the whole class. Then I will turn back to the wording of the date already written on the board, and try to elicit from the students how to say the day part of the date. Next, I will deliver them the worksheet for matching ordinal numbers with the words, to be done individually. Then I will get them to check their answers through listening, and I will drill with the whole class. After that, I will deliver them the information sheet with more details on ordinal numbers, and again I will drill these ordinal numbers with the whole class. Later, I will do the listening and gap-filling exercise to teach them how to ask for dates and how to answer them.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will instruct the students to individually write four dates that are important to them. Then, tell them to say their dates to their partners and to ask why they are important.

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