Patrick Cody Patrick Cody

Spotlight K - Big Book Best Friends
First Grade - Elementary level


In this lesson student's will listen to and interact with a short picture story about two friends. Through the story students will revise vocabulary related to body parts and clothing. Students will practice asking and responding to the question "How old are you". Finally students will complete a craft activity related to the story.


Abc Spotlight K Big Book - Best Friends
Abc Spotlight on English K Teachers Book

Main Aims

  • To provide review of clothing vocabulary and body parts in the context of best friends playing in the park
  • To provide practice of language used for asking and answering questions about age in the context of best friends playing in the park

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice predictive skills by looking at the pictures related to a text. What will the story be about?


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher will begin class by opening the Big Book to page 2/3. Hold the book for all students to see. Begin eliciting responses from the students about where the characters are (the park/playground) and what they are doing (running, playing with a ball, riding bicycles). How do the two characters in the story know each other? Use the pictures to highlight that they are friends. Using the Prediction questions on page 2 the teacher will again elicit oral responses from the students. Who is the story about? What do you do at the park.

Exposure (10-12 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

The teacher will gather the class to the front forming a semi circle for story-time. The teacher will read the Best Friends story to the class while eliciting responses and interaction from the students. Students will orally answer simple comprehension questions about the story in order to review clothing vocabulary. Ie - What is Kurt wearing? What color is Diana's hat?... The story naturally highlights body parts as well. Students will also interact with the story by miming physical actions presented in the story. For example Kurt and Diana are riding their bikes in the park. The whole class can stand and mime riding a bicycle. Diana is jumping with her legs. The whole class can jump together. Page 11 in the story highlights our target language. "How old are you? I am ___ years old". The characters in the story are holding up their fingers to represent their age. Diana is 5, Kurt is 6. The teacher will elicit from students how many fingers each character is holding up and how old they are.

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

After telling the whole story the teacher will return to the relevant pages and ask specific questions about the characters clothing. Teacher will call on specific students with hands raised making sure to engage the whole class. As a TPR activity the teacher can ask students to show specific pieces of clothing they are wearing. (Show me your jacket. show me your shoes. show me your...) For age the teacher will again highlight Kurt and Diana (the main characters). Teacher will read the pages again and elicit from the students who is older. (Kurt). Choral drilling of the question (how old are you?) and response (I am ___ years old) will again reinforce the form.

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher will call two volunteers forward to practice the target language. Standing at the front the chosen student will ask each other the question "How old are you" and respond appropriately. Teacher can check understanding by asking the whole class who is older or if they are the same. Controlled practice will be done in pairs. Students will make two lines facing each other at the front of the classroom. Each student will take a turn asking his/her partner how old they are and then responding.

Semi-Controlled Practice (12-15 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice.

Students will draw and color a self portrait playing with their best friend in the park or someplace similar. At the top of the page students will write the phrase "I am _____ years old". "Best friends name" is______ years old". This should be modeled on the board by the teacher. As students are drawing the teacher can walk from desk to desk and monitor progress. Teacher can also ask further concept checking questions to students as necessary. Concept checking questions should focus specifically on what the characters in the picture are wearing. As a conclusion, and as time allows, students may come to the front and present their picture to this class. For the first presentation the teacher can model his or her own project. "My best friend is ____. He is_____ years old. I am____ years old. He is wearing a ____. I am wearing a ____". Individual students can repeat this dialogue. At the end of class the projects can go home or can be stored in the students portfolio folders.

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