teaching Practice 8
Begginers level


In this lesson, students are expected to learn present progressive in the context of talking about what people are wearing in the picture in a student-centered class. They will also practice speaking and listening to practice the target language.


Abc Gap filling
Abc handouts with speaking bubbles
Abc worksheet
Abc Hanouts with pictures and speaking bubbles

Main Aims

  • To provide practice and clarification of Present progressive in the context of Talking about clothes after looking at the picture.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of speaking accurately by using present progressive and practice listening for specific information


Warmer/Lead-in (taboo game) (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students to the lesson

To set the context and encourage the students, divide the class into four groups and tell them they have a competition, Choose a student from each group to explain the word for his group without saying it. Limit the time for each group. The faster is the winner. The words are a review of clothes and colours.

Exposure to the target language (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text and a picture

Ex1. Pay students' attention to the pictures of the people. Point to Nigel and elicit the missing words in the first question. Tell students to look at the picture, read the questions and complete the descriptions with the colours and clothes in pairs in 4 minutes. Check Students understand the instructions by using ICQs: What are you going to do? What will you look at in the picture? Monitor the class and offer help with new vocabulary when necessary. Then ask students to check their answers i answers in groups.After that, Play the recording and get students to check their answers. Finally, give the key answers to students to check their answers.

Highlighting (6-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Before handing out the worksheets, tell the students to fold the paper as I do and read the questions in the top part and answer them in pairs in 3 minutes without looking to the lower part. Monitor the class and check they understand the questions. Students check their answers in groups. Then ask students to answer the second part of the worksheet in 2 minutes. Monitor the class and check they understand the questions. Students check their answers in groups.

Clarification of meaning, form and pronunciation of present progressive. (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Elicit the answers from the students after writing the marker sentences on the board. Students check their answers in groups. Use CCQs to elicit the meaning of present progressive. Draw a timeline a clarify the meaning. After that, try to elicit the form of present progressive from the students and write it on the board. Break down the sentence and clarify the form. Then clarify the pronunciation and the stress by using different colours, Use backchaining to drill the sentences chorally and individually. Now hand out the key answers for the worksheet to the students to check their answers.

Controlled Practice of the present progressive and speaking. (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ex2. Focus students attention on the example. Then invite a student and demonstrate the instruction with her by describing a student and asking him/her to guess the name. Ask students to do the same in pairs in 3 minutes. Monitor the class and offer help when necessary. Then feed back by asking a students to tell the class about a person he/she described.

Semi-Controlled Practice of speaking and present progressive in the context of describing clothes. (5-7 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ex3. Focus attention on the example. Then I talk about my own clothes. Now ask students to stand up and to tell another student about his clothes while mingling. Monitor the class and offer help when necessary. Check students errors and correct them at the end of the exercise.

Semi-free Practice of speaking to use present progressive in positive and question forms. (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ex4. Invite a student to demonstrate the instructions and ask her about the first picture'what is he doing' then she/he gives the answer using present progressive. Then she asks me about the second photo and I answer. Now in pairs ask students to ask ans answer the wuestions using present progressive form in 4 minutes. Monitor the class and check the errors for using present progressive and correct them on the spot. Then, students listen and check their answers.

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