Sajedeh Farajzadeh Jalali, Past simple questions and negative
beginners , A1 level
Main Aims
To provide practice of past simple in the context of holiday
Subsidiary Aims
To provide gist reading practice using a text about holiday in the context of different people on their last trip
Procedure (29-41 minutes)
- show them the topic + the questions - ask them and elicit - group them and instructions + ICQs - monitor - ask volunteers to answer the questions
- name the Ss as A,B,C + group them - give them each one separate text - ask them to read their text only ( A reads Heidi, B Reads Charlie, C reads John and Diane) - talk about their text in their groups - WC feedback
- ask them to underline the negative sentences in the text - elicit some - write one or two on the board - clarify the form - drill the example in class and groups - hand out of gap filling is given - Instructions + ICQs - monitor - Feedback on the board
- show them the handout + instruct them to answer the questions in groups + ICQs - monitor - volunteer Ss to answer the questions
- show them the examples on the board - highlight some words - elicit how to make correct questions - write the questions + highlight the format - drill - show them the handout and instruct them + ICQs - monitor - Feedback on board
- give them blank cards - ask them to write one WH and one Y/N question in simple past - monitor and check their questions - ask them to stand up and mingle and ask their questions from others to get some answers - monitor - delayed error correction