Teaching Practice 6
Beginners level


In this lesson, students are expected to learn about dates in the context of listening for information about people. They will also learn about verb to be in the past was/were in the context of listening about people and using guided discovery exercises in a student-centered class. Then, they they will have more practice by speaking asking and answering questions about their family.


Abc handouts
Abc Wh-questions handout
Abc Picture

Main Aims

  • To provide practice and clarification of verb to be in the past in the context of listening for specific information about people

Subsidiary Aims

  • listen for specific information about famous people and speak about family


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set the context and encourage the students to learn and say dates and learn past simple

Divide the class into groups, present a list of simple words to the class and set example of the word ''hand'', it has five fingers so it has a relation with number five. Ask students in groups to guess the number that each word suggest in 2 minutes. Ask Ss to say the numbers clearly.

Language input (4-6 minutes) • Listening for specific information

Ex1: Briefly review numbers from 1 up to 100 by eliciting the answers from the class. Write the two years from exercise 1 on the board. Play the recording for number 1 and ask a students to underline the correct answer. Play the rest of the recording and get Ss to underline the correct years. Students check their answers in pairs before checking with the whole class. Ex2. Try to elicit the answers from students to say the dates in English. Highlight that we divide date in English Into two pairs for four digits dates before 2000, and highlight how we read date from 2000 and up with two possible forms. Then play the recording and get students to repeat chorally and individually. Ex3: Elicit the answers from to the questions and encourage students to say the dates clearly.

Exposure (7-9 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Ex1. Ask students to look at the photos ans ask them who was he? who was she? When were they born? Is he a writer or a singer? Is she a singer or writer? Tell the students that they will listen to a short description of each person and to write the year they were born. Check if they understand the instructions using ICQs. Play the recording and get the students to write the years. Ss check answers in pairs then check with the whole class. Ex2. Tell Ss to listen to the sentences. Play the recording and get students to repeat chorally and individually. Focus on the weak form of was. Ex3: Ask students to ask me the questions and I answer them as a demonstration. Then in pairs Ss ask each other and answer the question. Monitor the class and correct Ss when necessary.

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Ask students to answer the questions in groups about verb to be in the past. after they finish they check in pairs. Then they answer another worksheet about the form of was/were. Handout worksheets with controlled questions. Monitor and check Ss understand the questions. Ask Ss to check their answers in pairs,

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Now Write the marker sentences on the board. Elicit the meaning of was/were by drawing a timeline and asking CCQs. Ex4. This exercise presents exposure to the was/were forms in the affirmative and interrogative with dates review. Ask students to listen to the recording. Play the recording again. Then clarify the form of was and were in positive, negative and question forms. Write two incorrect sentences on the board and ask SS to highlight the mistakes and correct them. Then highlight the form with different colours drilling the weak form and the contraction of was/were

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ex6. Check Ss understand grandfather, aunt and uncle. Demonstrate the activity by writing the names of some of my family on the board next to each character. Focus Ss attention on the example conversation. Elicit similar questions about my family. Make sure students use is and was correctly. Now in pairs ask Ss to ask and answer questions about their respective family and tell the to make brief notes of the dates when their family born. Monitor the class and check for correct use of is/are, was/were born, dates and pronunciation. Finally Ss mingle and tell each other about their partner family.

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