zahra zahra

TV or not TV?
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss practice a receptive skill through a daily topic. The main aim is reading and Ss need to learn some related vocabulary to achieve the final goal of the lesson.This lesson starts with a question which makes Ss to discuss in pairs. This is followed by a task to elicit TV related nouns and verbs and activate Ss knowledge of the subject. Then, they will complete the main task and answer question. Finally, there is follow up discussion on the topic.


Abc put the words/phrases in groups
Abc Eliciting sheet
Abc discussion question
Abc Reading task hanouts
Abc follow-up speaking

Main Aims

  • To provide students with an opportunity of developing their reading skills

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with their required vocabulary which help them to practice reading task


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T shows Ss a short video of a famous documentary in Ss' country. Before playing the video, T asks Ss to think of the programme and the type of that (e.g. is that a movie, is that about real life,... ). - After showing the video, T allows Ss to talk together in pairs to exchange their ideas. - T asks some of the Ss to answer to the W/C.

Pre-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

- T pre-teaches "TV equipment" by using an example realia. T drills that and writes that on the board. - T elicits "the news". - T asks Ss to work in pairs and gives HOs (1) including an exercise of putting words/phrases in three groups of TV equipments, TV programmes or TV verbs in 3 minutes. - T monitors to see if ss finished th task, she gives sheets of definition of words/phrases (HO2) which help Ss to find answers. Some CCQs of real examples of TV programmes are included to HO to make sure Ss understand the meaning of them. Ss will have 3 minutes to read that and discuss their answers. - T nominates pairs to give their answers to the first exercise. The W/C check their answers. - T models and drills the words/phrases paying attention to the pronunciation of "satellite". T highlights the main stress in "soap opera" is on the first part, and "documentary" is four syllables. - T divides Ss to two groups and asks them discuss two questions using the words in previous exercise in 5 minutes. - T asks two pairs to share interesting answers to one of the questions as a FB.

While-Reading 1 (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

- T pre-teaches "murder" asking Ss CCQs to make sure they understood their meaning (e.g. eliciting the crime of killing a person). - T tells Ss that they are going to read an article and asks them to read quickly and individually in 2 minutes. T gives HOs of reading task to Ss and tells them that they need to choose a suitable title for the article among three given options after reading.T asks Ss not to be worried about every words. - T allows Ss to discuss their answers with partners. - T takes FB on gist reading task.

While-Reading 2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

- T asks Ss to read the article again in 8 minutes to answer 5 questions. - T asks Ss to check their answers with their partners (4 minutes). - T takes FB from Ss and asks the w/C to check their answers.

Post-Reading (7-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

- T makes some groups including 3 Ss. T tells them that they need to discuss some questions while one person from each group is responsible to tell the best answers and reasons of their group to the W/C. - gives Ss cards that 3 questions are written on them . T asks Ss to discuss the questions together (5 minutes). - T asks spokesperson of each group to answer one question.

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