deniz erinc deniz erinc

Intermediate level


In this lesson,ss learn about relative clauses through guided discovery within the context of travelling.The lesson starts with lead in where ss speak about their favourite trip.This is followed by a fill in the blank identify their current understanding.Then there will be the teaching stage with CCQs.This will be followed by a second test where ss will join sentences.Finally they will play a card game in which they willtry to guess the words on the cards while another student describes the word using sentences with a relative clauses.


Abc Fill in the blank HO
Abc Join the sntences HO
Abc WB
Abc Cards

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of relative clauses within the context of travelling

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy with conversations within the context of travelling.


Lead in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and involve ss

I will tell ss to speak in pairs abou their favourite trips tring to use who/where/which /that as much as possible

First test(diagnostic) (6-7 minutes) • To test ss`current understanding and identify gaps in vocab related to relative clauses

I will give ss a fill in the blank sheet with 8 questions to test their current understanding

Teach(clarifying) (15-16 minutes) • To deal with meaning,pronunciation and form related to relative clauses and clarify items ss are confused about

I will write 4 sentences on WB. Then I will elicit from ss on how we can form a better sentence by joining the sentences , using;who/whose/where/which.I will emphasize that "that" can be used instead of who and which.And that who /whose is used for people,where for places and which for things.

Second test(controlled practice) (7-8 minutes) • To provide controlled written/oral practice of relative clauses.

I will give out a HO with 5 sentences which they will join by themselves..they will paircheck after test

Freer practice (9-10 minutes) • To provide speaking practice within the context of relative clauses

I will put ss in groups of 4 and give out set of cards with words of jobs,places and things and ask ss to pick a card each and make sentences with who/which/where/that without saying the word.

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