deniz erinc deniz erinc

Intermediate level


In this lesson ss learn about real conditionals based on a reading text about white lies.The lesson starts with a lead in where ss will read and discuss with their partners 6 questions about which white lies they were told when they were a child .Then they will skim read the text and answer one of the two statements with which they agree with about the text.This is followed by a detailed reading and a true or false task.Finally there will be a post reading and free speaking activity where they will tell their partners about which white lies they were told when they were a child.


Abc HO with reading text
Abc HO with True/False questions
Abc HO with 6 white lies
Abc WB

Main Aims

  • Reading

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide
  • To provide clarification in the context of white lies


Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and involve ss

I will tell ss we will be speaking about white lies,then i will give them a sheet with 6 white lies children are generally told and ask them to speak with their partner about which lies they were told as a child.

Vocabulary (4-5 minutes) • To introduce vocab. in the text ss may not be familiar with.

I will elicit the words;ridicilous,detrimental,innocence,awkward,benefit and write on board

Pre-reading (10-11 minutes) • To encourage ss to read for gist and get an overview of the text

I will give out the text and ask them to read it in 4 minutes and then ,discussing in pairs answer which statement they agree with at the bottom of the text

Reading for detail (16-17 minutes) • To practice reading for detailed comprehension and understanding the text in depth

I will ask ss to read the text once more and answer 7 true or false questions working in pairs.I will ask ss the answers and write them on the board and ask justification for the false questions.

Post-listening (6-7 minutes) • To provide free speaking practice within the context white lies

I will ask ss to speak to each other in groups of 3 about the white lies they were told as a child.This will be followed by FB from some ss,followed by error correction.

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