Hikmet Sahiner Hikmet Sahiner

TP7 - Speaking - Where were you at 11 o’clock?
Beginner A1 level


In this lesson, the students will learn and practice how to ask about and describe past events in the context of a murder investigation.


Abc Appendix 1
Abc Appendix 2
Abc Appendix 4
Abc Appendix 6
Abc Appendix 3
Abc Appendix 5

Main Aims

  • To provide speaking activity in pairs and groups for asking about and describing past events.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of vocabulary related to house and crime


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

* Start by projecting the context-related lead-in visual (app 1). * Ask SS to look at the photo on WB and ask them some CCQs to guess the theme of the text.

Useful Language (3-5 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

* Write on wb: Where were you at 11 o’clock last night? I was ... Instr: You are going to ask and answer some questions IN PAIRS. But let’s see what we are going to say first. * Elicit some alternative answers and write them on WB. Possibilities: with a friend in bed at home at work on a plane at school at university at a restaurant at a shopping center on a bus

Productive Task 1 (3-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

* Demo with a strong student! * Give them the handout (app 2) and let them start the activity. * You monitor closely. * For feedback have 3 pairs do the conversation while sitting!

Pre-teaching Essential Vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive task

* Project the visual (app 3) Vocabulary 1 kitchen dining room living room hall garden * Elicit/clarify meaning of the words! * Drill the words! Vocabulary 2 body murder commit murderer find out * Project the visual (app 4) * Elicit/clarify meaning of the words! * Drill the words!

Productive Task 2 (20-25 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

GAME SETUP * Tell the SS: A murder was committed last night at 11 o'clock. The body was found in the garden (X marks the spot). They were all in the house - their names are on the list of people beside the house plan. You should find out who did the murder. * To do this, the SS will have to find out where everyone was at 11 o'clock. * Give every student a house plan (app 6). * Demonstrate how to do this by projecting the house plan (app 6) on the board. * Give them a role card (app 7) each. * Go to one strong student and ask, 'What's your name? Where were you at 11 o'clock? Who was with you?' * Write the names in on the plan as she tells you. * Then ask the SS all to stand up and go on asking people and writing names. * The SS should stand up and move around the class asking everybody where they were at 11 o'clock. * When they find out, they should write the names on the plan. * Give the SS about 10 minutes to do this, then ask them to get together in fours. * They should check their plans with each other and pool their information to find who the murderer was. Who isn't there? Who has left the house? (JANE)

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