Giving Presentations
Intermediate-upper intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification of discourse markers in the context of business presentations
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy speaking practice in a presentation in the context of business
Procedure (24-30 minutes)
Play video of a famous presentation (Steve Jobs and the iPhone, for e.g) that uses discourse markers. Instruct ss to think about how the speaker is giving shape to his speech as they watch. Ask them to discuss in pairs what they think is important for organising a business presentation that sounds professional and natural to the listener. Monitor to establish strengths and weaknesses of language in the ss who may have varying abilities.
Read out the short presentation text containing various discourse markers. Instruct ss to listen for words that help organise the presentation or ones that make it flow better. Elicit a few discourse markers such as "furthermore" and "as well as." Clarify meaning, give example sentences on WB and drill "as well as" weak form: As well as. Another way to say "and also" /əzweləz/ CCQs: Can we use it instead of the words "and also"? (yes) Does it sound like one word or three words? (one word) Furthermore (adv). Another way to say "and importantly" /ˌfɜː.ðəˈmɔːr/ CCQs: Do we use it to say that something is unimportant? (no) Can it be used to stress something is important? (yes) FB: Write the words and phonemic then elicit the stress from the ss. Praise.
Chest HO1 and demo gap fill task to ss who will work alone to choose the right words in the box to write them in the correct gaps in the text. ICQs: Are you working alone or in pairs? (alone) Will you use all of the words in the box? (yes) Monitor and encourage. FB: hand out answer key and instruct ss to check their answers with their partner.
Split ss in to pairs and instruct them to prepare a short presentation using as many of the discourse markers as they can. Elicit a few more markers (see HO2). They should introduce their department/product or job without referring to the earlier texts. ICQs: Will you work alone or in pairs? (pairs) Will you write down your presentation? (yes) After 5 minutes prep the ss should give the short presentation to their partner. Monitor and note any errors allowing for fluency practice. Highlight good use of TL.
Highlight good use of language and write generic speaking errors on WB and elicit error correction. Give ss HO2 for further practice and future reference.