Onur Anamur Onur Anamur

Grammar to Express Ability
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about the grammar needed to express ability in the past and future in the context of exercises in the context of texts about autistic people that are extraordinarily capable and extraordinarily incapable of doing things at the same time.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of verbs expressing ability in the context of people of extraordinary disabilities and abilities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a in a discussion and more controlled speaking practice in the context of abilities of ourselves and others


Lead-in (7-10 minutes) • To engage students in the lesson, remember Thursday's reading, have them speak, brainstorm ideas, and approach target vocabulary--hopefully use it as well. I assume this is more a lesson of clarification than one of introducing new target material.

A discussion prompted by the questions below. 1.Should we send autistic children to school? (ability) 2.Do autistic people have more or less abilities? (spark debate) 3.What abilities did Daniel Tammet and Stephen Wiltshire have? They weren’t able to do some very normal things too though? What were they? Note: Elicit if needed, either names or what they could do and what they couldn’t do. Or give it to the students. Tell them to go on if they're re giving short answers.

Meaning, Form, Pronunciation. (10-15 minutes) • To establish meaning through an activity, elicit form, and to demonstrate and practice pronunciation of TL, especially as to stress, weak forms, and assimilation.

Teacher tells students that there is a handout with some sentences. He tells students to fill in, with their partners, write D beside sentences referring to Daniel, S for sentences referring to Stephen, and both for sentences referring to both. Teacher ICQs. Students are given handout and, with their partners, fill it in. Teacher then asks to have them identify whether the sentences refer to the present or the past. Students are to write present for present and past for past. Teacher does an example. Students fill in the handout in partners. Teacher then asks the students to identify negative and positive sentences. He tells the students that there are 3 negative sentences. Students do in partners. Whole Group Check. Teacher then elicits can, could, manage to, able to with past forms, past negative forms, and question forms. Teacher checks through example sentences. Teacher writes on the board. Teacher then has students pronounce the words. He then elicits stress and shows weak forms.

Controlled Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide practice for reading in detail meanwhile having students infer correct words and form while filling in the blanks in the handout

T elicits predictions for Derek Pavacini's special ability. Ss brainstorm predictions and each writes one down. Students take handout, read the text, fill in the missing words. Students check with partners to see if their predictions were true, and check if they filled in words correctly. WCFB afterward.

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-15 minutes) • To have students practice speaking for accuracy in the context of ability.

Teacher tells students to tick as indicated for activities they could do, activities they can do, and activities they are good at. The students do, and afterward mingle to find out who else can and could do those activities and who else is good at them.

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