Talib Ajaz Talib Ajaz


Abc Hand outs

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of present continous ın grammar

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking


Lead In (5 minutes) • Set the context

I will re-introduce myself. Write New Things on the board and elicit examples of times that people start something new in life: a job, school, life in a new town, a hobby. Write these on the board T Put ss into small groups to discuss which of these they've done, giving specific examples. Aim is to find out which of all the new things people have started. 3 mins T to give example first.. WGFB one person from each group feeds back to the class.

Ex 1a (5 minutes) • Controlled Speaking exercise

Ask ss when was the last time they met someone new. Choose 1 or 2 ss and elicit examples of who they met and the things they discussed. T dıstribute EX1a. T: In pairs complete Ex 1a. Ask ss to work in pairs and write down 3 things they often talk about when meeting new people. 2 mins WGFB ask 2 or 3 ss to tell the class about what they discussed.

Ex 1b (7 minutes) • Semi- controlled Speaking exercise

T Distribute maın text top of page. Give ss 2 mins to read the text at top of page. Ask them to answer the first question individually. Discuss the other 2 questions with a partner 3 mins for the above. T to monitor. WGFB to discuss.

Ex 2a-c (10 minutes) • Listening Exercise

T Dıstrıbute Ex 2. a) Ask ss to Listen and follow ınstructıons; ICQ. Play the first conversation and ask ss to identify the topic discussed from the opening text. T checks the answer. Repeat the same process with the second conversation. check answer again. In pw ask ss to discuss the things they remember from each conversation. b) Instruct ss to listen again and answer T or F. c) break ss into different pw and instruct them to discuss the questions

Ex 4 a-c (10 minutes) • To learn Grammar that is used in a conversation setting

a)Instruct ss to work through 1-6 in pw and complete B's questions. (poss check audio script on p.164 as WG.) B)Ss work on thıs ex alone and then discuss their answers in pw. pair stronger ss with weaker ss. T ask ss how they know if a question is indirect(introductory phase before qstn). Ellciit more information from the class about why we use indirect questions and how they are different fro the direct form. Instruct ss to work in different pairs to answer the questions. c)T Ask ss to do inividually T writes 3 statements on the board, indirect questions, while ss are working, Ask ss to help me check the answer for rules.

Ex 5a-b (5 minutes) • To develop Grammar in the context of polite phrases

5A ss in pw should write out the full sentences. monitor and check if ss are forming the direct and indirect questions correctly, but don't check answres. b Instruct ss to listen and and ICQ.

8a -c (5 minutes) • Speaking

T Dıstrıbute Ex 8 T. Give ss a minute to look at the questions in the text on P.8 a) In pw ask ss to choose a topic and discuss with your partner. b).ask ss to Work with a new partner and choose new conversaion topic. c) Use WGFB

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