Ayat Nabil Ayat Nabil

Intermediate level


Designing 2 receptive skills tasks and one productive skill task.


Abc Background music
Abc Reading text
Abc Matching exercise handout

Main Aims

  • Designing 2 receptive skills tasks.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Designing one productive skill task.


Lead-in and pre-teach vocabulary (5-10 minutes) • To set lesson context, engage students and enable them to have sufficient vocabulary to do the tasks you set.

-Set the context by asking Ss some questions before reading the task: - Do you think parents nowadays are over protective? - Why they tend to be overprotective? - Do you think that allowing children to take more risks can be useful to them? - Ask Ss to read the title and look at the picture to guess the topic of the writing. -Pre-teach useful vocabulary to help Ss better understand the task through matching exercise: Match the following the following words and phrases in the box to their definitions: (Sedentary- cyberbullies- resilience- wean) - Spending a lot of time sitting down and not moving. - People who uses messages on social networks to frighten or upset somebody. - The ability of people to feel better quickly after something unpleasant, such as shock, injury, etc. -To make somebody gradually stop doing something. - Divide Ss into pairs and ask them to check their answers together then give feedback.

Reading for gist/ specific (10-15 minutes) • To help Ss focus on the main idea and get general information about it.

-Set the first task: Ask Ss to go through the text in 2 minutes each on his own then ask them to suggest another title to the text. - ICQs: Are you going to read every word? Are you going to use dictionaries? -After finishing the task, ask them to check their titles together while monitoring them . - Set the second task: Ask Ss to find the following answers in the text each on his own: - Where was the research and position statement on active outdoor play published? - How many children between the ages of seven and 11, according to the English study, went to school without an adult in the 1970s? - How many children took part in the two New Zealand studies? -Who wrote the position statement on active outdoor play? -ICQs: Are you going to write short or long answers? - Ask Ss to check their answers together then give feedback?

Reading for details (5-10 minutes) • To provide students with more detailed questions about the passage to check their understanding.

-Set the task: Ask Ss, each one on his own, to answer the following questions: -Why the author thinks children need "risky play" (which includes climbing and jumping from a height)? -How can children at home be more likely to meet strangers than those who go out and play? - What are the results of a sedentary lifestyle? - ICQs: Are you going to write a short or a long answer? -Ask Ss to check their answers together while monitoring them then give feedback.

Post-reading (speaking practice) (8-10 minutes) • To give Ss the chance to practice speaking using what they learnt during the lesson.

-Divide Ss into 2 groups; one group agrees with the author's point of view and the other disagrees with it. -Ask them to express why they agree or disagree with the author's point of view. - Write useful expressions on the board to help them, such as: -I agree with the author because..... - I disagree with the author..... - I believe that children need risky play because.... - I don't believe that a sedentary lifestyle might lead to..... -Monitor the students with speaking and encourage them to express themselves.

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