Vocab Main/Speaking Sub Morning Routines
Beginner level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of collocations such as (have a shower, have a coffee, etc) in the context of morning routines.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about morning routines.
Procedure (44-63 minutes)
Who likes to wake up early? Do you wake up easily or are you like this guy? Play the Mr. Bean video clip.
What do you do in the morning? Get some FB from students. Show photo of morning activities. Ask: What time of day is it? Where are the people? What are they doing? Why? Do you think they took a shower? How many of you had tea or coffee this morning? Did you eat this morning? Or were you too rushed? (point at photos)
Produce the photos for vocab on the WB. Elicit the collocations. Eliciting have a shower, have breakfast, have tea or coffee, get up, read the paper, watch tv, listen to the radio, wake up, and go to work or school. Elicit CCQ Drill Write (on side of board if possible) Mime difference between get up and wake up.
Show photo of all the activities. "What do you do every morning?" Chesting of handout. You are going to put a check mark next to the things you do every morning. Project the HO and do an example You have 1 minute CCQ Give HO Elicit FB -- does anyone do all 9 things in the morning? Unfold HO What do you do first? Then? Make a list. (Mime writing). Write an example on the board. First I wake up. Then I get up. Then I take a shower and listen to the radio. (Let them know that if they are doing two things at the same time they can use and) You have 3 minutes. CCQ [3 minutes] Put in pairs Now tell (mime speak) each other your morning routine. Use full sentences (point to example on board). Listen (mime listen) to what your partner says. You have 3 minutes. [3 minutes] WC FB -- ask students what their partners said.
Show zoomed in photo of teacher. This is Emma. What is Emma's job? Do you think she gets up early or late? Discuss with your partner. "Ok, let's see if any of you were correct" [play audio] Discuss with your partner if you were correct. Take FB: "What is Emma's job?" "Does she get up late?"
Chesting of handout. "Listen again and write numbers next to what she does. Do you think she is going to get up first or read the paper? (get up) Then you will write 1 by to get up. Then you will put 2 by the next thing you hear." [play audio] Monitor and see if students understood. Replay if necessary. Nominate a student for FB for each option. Write on WB: 1. get up 2. have a shower 3. have a cup of coffee 4. go to work 5. have breakfast 6. read the paper Get FB. Does everyone agree?
Write on WB: I.... He/She.... I get up. She ______ up. I have coffee. She _______ coffee. I read the paper. She ________ the paper. Put in pairs again. You have 5 minutes. Talk (mime) about Emma. What does she do every day? FB -- Ask for volunteers. What does she do? Ensure they are using the target language and complete sentences. Error correct as needed.
Assign groups of 4-5. What do you think my day is like? Speak to each other and write down 5 things you think I do every day. Give approximately 3-5 minutes. Monitor. Take FB. Ensure they are using correct 3rd person verb.