bcangoren bcangoren

B. Can Gören Class-148 04.12.2017
Elementary, Young Adults level


In this lesson, students learn about the differences between the simple present tense and the present continuous tense in terms of structure, function and usage. They do so by first categorizing various elements of the tenses. Afterwards, they are exposed to the different functions and get more detailed information from the slideshow. Next, they do a controlled practice to use and repeat their newly obtained information. Lastly, they showcase their skills in a speaking activity for accuracy in a similar context.


Abc pieces of paper with prompts and expressions
Abc The unlucky man cards
Abc Yeditepe University Simple Present vs. Present Continuous Woksheet
Abc Powerpoint slideshow

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the differences between the simple present tense and the present continuous tense

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in short dialogues in the context of stories of an unfortunate man


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Distribute randomly stacked pieces of paper with prompts from two different tenses on them. Students need to put them into right categories. Monitor briefly and give students some time to look over the phrases but do not give them too much time because we don't want the correct answers now. We only want students to get familiar with them at this stage. They will get the correct answers later as the lesson progresses.

Exposure (10-15 minutes) • To provide context, function and structure for the target language through a powerpoint presentation

The PPT starts with characters from a popular tv series. Ask students if they have seen the show or know any of the characters to get their full attention. Possible questions: Where do they live? Where do they work? Are they married? Go on to the following two slides where students get exposed to the target language. Elicit the additional info,which is not on the slideshow, by writing it on the board (Exclamation(!) phrases) Model sentences: Be careful! You are driving too fast. Look! It is raining again. At this point remind the students to correct their categories if they have made mistakes prior to the slideshow but don't do any corrections at this point. Move to the next slide where they learn about the differences in time expressions (don't spend too much time here as majority of the students will probably have figured out most of them before we get here. Final page of the slideshow is about the stative verbs. Elicit the rules and differences in usage Now students should have all the answers arranged correctly. Giving an extra answer key is unnecesary and redundant here, but in an unlikely scnario, if you see any confused students, go over them one more time.

Highlighting and Clarification (5-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify stative verbs and verbs of perception

While the last page of the slideshow is on, go into more detail about stative verbs and verbs of perception. The slide emphasizes two verbs (think,have) Add two more (look, love) As the whole class shares L1 get help from Turkish First ask students to Translate the following sentence into Turkish. I am running. (Koşuyorum) in L1. Highlight the last part of the word -yorum, which gives the present continuous tense in L1. Next ask students to translate the phrase I love you into L1 (Seni seviyorum) Point out the difference in usage and warn students that L1 is not reliable when it comes to this topic like many other topics. Look: the meaning is more important than the word itself and to show that write Model sentences: You look great today. The old man is looking out of the window.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Distribute the present simple vs present continuous worksheet and tell students to do part 3 on page 3 on their own now. Students check their answers with each other and discuss about the differences in their answers after they complete the practice. Project the answer key on the board and ask students if they need further clarification for any of the questions.

Controlled Practice for speaking (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with controlled accuracy speaking practice

Pair up the students and give each pair a card Distribute the cards containing the adventures of an unlucky man. Students fill out he blanks and speak taking turns. Nominate some students to read their scnario outloud so everybody can hear it. Don't give out all the scnarios to every student as they should be curious and all ears for other pairs' information. Distribute the full list

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