Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide practice of superlatives and comparatives in the context of around the world
Subsidiary Aims
To provide oral fluency in the context of around the world
Procedure (33-50 minutes)
Hang pictures of different countries on the walls of the class. Hand ss the name tags of the countries and have them move around the class to match the name tags with the pictures on the wall. Check with ss names of the countries. Ask and elicit answers about famous cities and landmarks in each country. Drill pronunciation of countries' names.
Ask ss to listen and answer questions in the listening quiz handout. Ask ss to check their answers in pairs. Provide whole class content feedback.
Provide ss with the audio script and ask ss to work individually to underline and reflect on all the comparative and superlative forms used in the listening quiz on p. 26. Ask ss to check the forms they underlined in pairs. Provide w/c feedback to check that ss underlined all the forms.
Ask CCQs on the meaning of examples of the comparative and superlative forms underlined in the previous exercise. Elicit answers from ss and ask them to complete the comparative and superlative structures sheet. Ask ss to pair check. Provide linguistic feedback of the content on the board.
Ask ss to complete a gap-fill handout on the use of comparative and superlatives. Make ss work in pairs to check their answers and then w/c feedback.
Give ss fact sheets about the countries hung on the class walls and ask them to compare the two countries in terms of; size, population, cities and climate. Group ss in threes and ask them to now compare the three countries using superlatives. Monitor and take notes if necessary. Provide w/c feedback.
Ask ss to further compare 4 or 5 countries and write 4 sentences using superlatives in small groups. Check answers and drill mispronounced structures.