Awkward situations
upper- intermediate, B2 level

Main Aims
To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of awkward situations
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification and practice of language used for refusing invitations and offers in the context of awk
Procedure (31-40 minutes)
- have projector ready to project pictures (1st slide of power point) ask: - do you feel relaxed in situations like this? - Do you know what to say or how to react? -Can we call them difficult situations? to set the context and elicit awkward write: relaxed? no difficult? yes what to say how to react? not really ask: -what name can you give to these situations? convenient or awkward
1. Give Ss numbers and ask them to find their partners and sit next to them (1-1)(2-2) -set the character ,Bella; and explain she is in awkward situations - give instructions: discuss with your partner : - why are the situations awkward? - what would be a good way to respond? -pass out handout after 4 minutes elicit answers for: what she could say? 2. then give instructions and play the listening file (recording 6) instructions: - listen and write what she actually said? -then check your answers with your partner -then give answer key
put Ss in groups (every three in one group) project power point slide 2 -these words or phrases are taken from listening file -with your group mates try to choose the best equivalent - then have some Ss to come to the board and complete the task pronunciation: write ' Thank you, but just a tiny portion' on the board say: "Bella says" and say it as the character says say: " I say" and say it with an impolite intonation ask: Bella is polite or I am? say: I said the same words but why I was impolite? elicit: because of intonation explain that intonation is more important than phrases if you want to sound polite Play recording 7 listen and repeat give dialogues of recording 6 and ask Ss to mingle, find a new partner and practice them with the correct intonation
bring a student to the beginning of the row to put Ss in new pairs - exercise 3: here are some similar awkward situations you have 5 minutes to prepare conversation for each of these situations then practice them
Have some pairs to role play ask other pairs to comment then add your own comment