Jesse Scifres Jesse Scifres

TP 7
Upper Intermediate level




Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about beauty in the context of a lecture

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of describing people
  • To provide clarification of beauty lexis in the context of describing people


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Brainstorm T to handout brainstorm paper with 'Beauty" written in a bubble. Ss to work in groups (each Ss to come up with at least 3 words or ideas pertaining to the topic). "What makes a person beautiful? What do people do to make themselves beautiful?" Monitor to see if Ss understand the instructions in the work they are producing. T to note difficult words.

Pre-Listening 1 (4-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Write 'Beauty is....' on the WB. Ss to complete the sentence using brainstormed ideas (2 min). Monitor to see if Ss understand the instructions in the work they are producing. Ss to share their sentence in groups of 4 (2 min).

Pre-Listening 2 (7-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Check Ss language. On the WB, list words that Ss had difficulty understanding/saying in the earlier tasks. Ss in pairs to identify parts of speech and meanings & WC FB to present findings (4 min). T to help clarify words that Ss are still having difficulty understanding (approx. 4 words) (3 min).

While Listening #1 (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging specific information listening tasks

"We will now listen to a lecture about beauty. Please listen and count how many words we discussed in groups are in the audio." ICQ's. "Are you writing?" (No, counting on fingers how many words you hear that were covered earlier) (1 min) Play the audio (1 min). Ss in pairs to recall portions of the audio. "Talk with your partner about what you heard in the audio" (3 min). Monitor to see if Ss understand the instructions in the work they are producing.

While Listening #2 (11-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening task

T to give Ss 'lecture notes.' Ss to scan the 'lecture notes' to become familiar with the context (1 min). Ss to listen to the recording once and fill-in the gaps (2 min). Monitor to see if Ss understand the instructions in the work they are producing. Ss in new pairs to compare answers (2 min). Play audio again, pausing after each section to review as WC (T w/ answer key to make sure Ss are correct (4 min). CCQ's. "What is the order of the lecture?" (Introduction, Information, Summary) "How do we know when the lecturer is changing topics? (Transition/Summary phrases, 'another common') How do we know when the lecturer is giving important information? (Numbers, dates, opinions, '$100m, 1950, we all want') (2 min)

Post Listening (FLEX) (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Ss to review the completed lecture notes (2 min). Review words that Ss are still unsure about (2 min). Ss in pairs to discuss lecture while looking at completed notes (4 min). Ss to Monitor to see if Ss understand the instructions in the work they are producing.

Post Listening (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T to write "Beautiful people have better lives" on the WB. Ss 2 groups (True Vs. False) - each group discussing reasons their view is correct (5 min). ICQ - Are you arguing with each other about the sentence or working together? (together) Monitor to see if Ss understand the instructions in the work they are producing. Ss in pairs to debate whether the statement is T or F (3+ min).

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