Shopping, Quantifiers
Intermediate B1/B2 level

Main Aims
To provide students with the correct use of articles and quantifiers in sentences
Subsidiary Aims
To provide students with speaking practice and using quantifiers in the context of shopping
Procedure (34-44 minutes)
Asking Ss to tell which activities are available in the shopping area which they are going to see a video of that. Then playing a video advertising for a shopping area.
- To group Ss - To distribute work-sheets for Ss and to ask them to read example and answer questions. Ss will have opportunity to discuss their answers with their partners. - To monitor Ss' task done and to help them with problems - To give AK and ask Ss to check their answers
- HO including questions and instruction of using quantifiers will be given to Ss. - They will have time to check their answers with their partners. They will also join to make a bigger group and help each other to understand better. - AK will be given to final check
- To elicit the meaning of 4 words which may be new for Ss in HO of proposal - To regroup Ss into 2 groups of A and B . - To provide each group with HO including information in speaking ex., points which should be covered in their proposal and the proposals. - To Provide Ss with HO including useful expressions to discuss proposals. - To give opportunity to discuss in groups.
A proxy from each group will present their group's proposal to the W/C by detail and the W/C will contribute to the discussion by giving their opinion about each proposal