Babak Jahanaray Babak Jahanaray

Basic information
Beginner A1 level


In this lesson, the students are going to do a listening task which starts with a short warm-up activity, a couple of PWs with personalizing focus, and an introduction of some vocabulary for places. Then listenings for gist and detail follow. the SS will go through an extra practice of places


Abc English Unlimited Beginner Student Book page 27 HO
Abc English Unlimited Beginner workbook page 10 and 11 HO
Abc English Unlimited Beginner Student Book page 108 HO
Abc English Unlimited Beginner CB Audio track 1.58
Abc Vocabulary Matching HO

Main Aims

  • Listening for gist and detail in the context of places

Subsidiary Aims

  • To clarify and practice vocabulary for places.


Pre-listening = Lead in (4-5 minutes) • set the context

A hangman game with the word 'JOBS'. SS will say the jobs they know in PW. The needed words will go on the board.

Pre-listening (4-5 minutes) • To make remember the workplaces

SS will say the workplaces related to the words on the board in PW. Some new ones will be pre-taught MPF.

Pre-listening (4-5 minutes) • To settle the meaning of workplaces

SS will receive the HO page 16 which they have to write down the answers. This stage is followed by a PC and OC FB.

While listening (4-5 minutes) • Gist L

SS will listen to the track and write the places they hear (gist). Then check in pairs and receive O/C FB.

While listening (4-5 minutes) • Detailed L

SS will listen again with the second HO to complete the sentences. Then check in pairs and receive O/C FB. SS will listen again for a further check.

Post-listening (9-10 minutes) • To develop oral skills

SS will do the puzzle by WB part a. and check in pairs. SS will do the puzzle by WB part b. and then check their answers in new groups of 3 people. Both tasks will be followed by O/C FB.

Post-listening (4-5 minutes) • To develop workplace vocabulary

SS will complete the Teacher-made HO, check in pairs of 3 and receive O/C FB.

Post-listening (4-5 minutes) • To develop oral skills

SS will mingle and talk about themselves, a family member, and a friend using their jobs and places. If there's time an error correction stage will follow.

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