Zaher Sakhtah Zaher Sakhtah

Weekly plan
Grade 2 level


In this week, students practice English for fluency with some spelling exercises, in addition, they follow their other activities which are related to Smart stars edition, Oxford Discover writing and spelling, plus some entertaining activities ( video songs - games, etc)


Abc Oxford Discover - Writing and Spelling, Smart Stars activity book, Video songs, games

Main Aims

  • To provide process listening and speaking practice for fluency

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide process writing practice "Oxford Discover, writing and spelling"


Warmer/Lead-in (15-20 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

(Lesson 8 - 2A): children listen and join in with the actions to a friendship song: Friends Song by The Singing Walrus ( and T discusses the things that friends do with each other and for each other and mention helping, sharing and saying kind words. (Lesson 9 - 2B): Play water sound effects and ask learners to guess what they can hear ( Then watch water video song by Sesame Street : ( and discuss all the things we use water for and the importance of water in being kind to our bodies. (Lesson 10 - 2C): Children look at the water-saving suggestions on activity page 2C. Then T tells children they are going to watch Peter talking about water-saving though video ( (Lesson 11 - 2D): On OHP, T presents some pictures for planet earth including some positive and negative points which our planet is facing, then T asks children to draw a picture of planet Earth and beside it two objects (1 is good and healthy 2 is damaging our atmosphere). Following that children join a video song with the actions "Earth We're In It Together by AuntieLitter" (

Useful Language • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Share - Help - Say kind words - Do you? - How many? - How can we help? - What can we do?

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

2A: children work in groups of 3. Get the groups together and give them a pair of scissors and one page 2A per group. T plays the video step-by-step so that each group can work together to make sure the pop-up book is completed correctly. Hand out the remaining pages; learners work together to complete these. And Play background music as learners work. ( Music: ( After finishing, Learners cut out the circular badges and select two; one which best describes themselves and one which best describes a friend. They should give the friends badge to that friend. 2B: children cut out the origami cup, T plays the video ( to demonstrate making the cup. T Reminds children to be "good friends" as they each make a cup, then they cut out the Water Works Wonders cards. T discusses each fact, asking the class the questions as it goes on. Children put the cards into their cups with the question sides facing up. In pairs, they take out a question which their friend will read to them for them to answer. Together the class decides who is drinking enough water and how they can help friends who aren't drinking enough to do so. Learners glue the water cup to the file and place the cards in it. Add a paper clip to secure. 2C: children cut out the accordion water book and fold it. They decide in pairs which things they do and which they don't. They then cut out the small signs. T asks if anyone knows what they are for; Where would they see them? T decide where (and how) learners could fix their signs. Children cut out the tap and fix the tap and water book to their files.T makes sure they glue the book first only on the section which says glue, followed by the tap. 2D: children cut out the planet puppet and fix it to the file. T sees if they can make any of the sentences into unhappy earth sentences (negative), e.g. take short showers = don't take short showers/take long showers. Learners cut out the Make the Earth Smile cards. children check each one to make sure that each shows a way to make the earth happy and not sad and as the class makes each sentence into an unhappy earth sentence, children write the sentences next to the happy earth sentences. Children fix the cards to the front of the file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oxford Discover, writing and spelling. Lesson 2: What's your favorite picture? Useful language: Poster - Beautiful - Poster - Woods - Hard-working - cheerful. Children practice their receptive skills for reading "my favorite Posters", following that, T does a concept check using some vocabs related to the reading exercise. then children use their productive skills to describe their favorite picture by circling the suitable adjective they find. at the end of the lesson, children draw their favorite picture including place, color, things, animals, and people - Teacher models a ready picture of his favorite before they start. Lesson 3: Who lives in this house? Useful Language: Neat - Messy - Shy - Smart. As a warmer, children try to guess who is living in the house and what's his name. In turns, children start reading the story of Bertie Badger, following that - Teacher CCQ for their understanding of the context. With the teacher, the children learn several pairs of opposites ( hard- working - lazy, smart - silly, kind - mean..etc). children practice filling in gaps exercise related to the reading topic. Using their productive skills, children think about their favorite character from books or movies by writing the character's "name" and "home" and describe it's personality and where is it's home. At the end of the lesson, children draw their characters' face in their book.

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