Elcin Mutis Elcin Mutis

Vocabulary lesson-Adrenalin
Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss learn about gradable and non-gradable adjectives & adverbs in the context of extreme sports. The lesson starts with the clarification of the meaning od graded&non-graded adj &adv and their use in the sentences.Then Ss will talk about their feelings about the different experiences given by using adjectives.


Main Aims

  • • To provide clarification, review and practice of gradable & non-gradable adverbs and adjectives in the context of extreme sports and adrenalin

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To give Ss freer speaking practice and opportunity to express their feelings about the experiences they had by using adjectives.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T refers to the previous lesson and asks Ss what kind of sport did they talk? Is it a safe sport to do? Is it a boring sport? Elicit some adjectives from them and ask them what these words refer to (adjectives).Then T shows the slide about the weather and asks Ss what kind of weather they see in the slide.Elicit the adjectives warm,hot,cold,freezing,boiling.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T draws a thermometer on the board showing the scale from 0 degrees to 100 degrees.T shows some points and asks students what's the weather like? How much cold and how much hot is it?T points out some levels on the scale and elicit the adjectives and possibly adverbs to describe the weather.

Clarification (7-9 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T explains that hot and cold are gradable adjectives that can be modified from weak to strong, where as boiling and freezing are non-gradable adjectives that dont have different degrees. T provides some other examples for gradable and non-gradable adjectives by saying gradable one and trying to elicit the non-gradable version.T asks Ss how can we modify the gradable adjective from weak to strong.Elicits adverbs and by using a gradable adjective on the board elicit possible adverbs to be used.Also focus Ss' attention to the adverbs that can be used with non-gradable adjectives.T writes down two example sentences on the board with gaps to be filled by the correct adverbs that are suitable to be used with the following adjectives.

Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T asks to WC 1) Is 'good' a gradable adjective or not? 2) What about incredible,what do you think? Elicit answers and give HO (vocab ex1) and ask Ss to read the questions and answer them with the correct adverbs in the box. Get FB from whole class and encourage them to say the two sentences aloud so they get a feel for what sounds right. T hands out the Vocab ex2 to Ss folded.(the first part only shows the adjectives and the second part will have the chart as gradable/non-gradable adj.) T shows the pictures that shows the mime related to the adjectives to Ss and elicit from them. Then ask Ss to match the pairs of adjectives with similar meanings.Explain each pair has a gradable and non gradable adjective.Then Ss unfold the page and put the adjectives under the appropriate columns.Ask them to check their answers with a partner. T goes through the example with the class and ask CCQs to ensure they understand why we use absolutely with boiling.Then ask them to work individually to write 4 more true sentences.Monitor and check them to make sure they use the right adjectives at the right place.

Semi-Controlled Practice (7-9 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T gives instructions to Ss that first they need to identify the gradable&non-gradable adjectives in two sentences. Then they'll listen to the audio and ask them to listen carefully the speakers' intonation.Ask them to say what they notice about it.(emphasizing the adjectives).T reads the dialogues to the class without emphasizing and let them understand the difference. T goes through the example with the class.Then play the recording and ask them to repeat after each prompt.Ss will make up similar short dialogues in pairs using the adjectives.Monitor and pick out good examples to be performed in FB session.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Show a picture of a roller coaster to the class and ask them how they think the people on the rollercoaster might be feeling. Elicit adjectives of feelings.Give HO (speaking ex1) to students and ask them to read each sentence and put a tick the situations they have experienced and give them to think how they'd feel in each situation.Ss will work in pairs to tell each other how they'd feel.Ask Ss to compare their experiences in Ex1 and find out which ones they have in common. Ss will discuss which experience was the most exciting one and see if they agree.In FB session take a report from a few students as a class discussion.

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