MohammadKhari MohammadKhari

B1 level


Abc Matching HO
Abc Writing Task HO
Abc To-do List Image
Abc Nurse Picture
Abc Builder Picture
Abc Chart HO
Abc Job Interview Image
Abc Supermarket Picture
Abc Library Picture
Abc To-do List HO
Abc Job Description HO

Main Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a job description in the context of work

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for formal and informal description in the context of work


Warmer/Lead-in (1-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher puts a picture of a job interview on the board and asks the students what it is about and other questions in the same context to refresh their memory of the previous lesson.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

The teacher will project a picture on the board to highlight the word "to-do list". After that, the students are given a HO containing two lists and they are supposed to guess the writers' jobs in their pairs. ICQ: Should you write the writers' names or jobs? Then the teacher gets the WCFB and confirms the answer by showing two pictures. Then, a HO containing two job description is given to the students and they are asked to find out which to-do list they belong to. ICQs: Should you add to the descriptions? Should you write a to-do list or match it with one? The students check their answers in pairs then, the teacher gets the WCFB.

Useful Language (10-12 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

The teacher asks the students to look at their HOs again and see if they notice any difference between a to-do list and a formal job description and to discuss the differences between these two in their pairs which will be followed by FB. ICQ: Should you write anything? After that, a HO containing a matching activity will be given to the students. They are supposed to match some general verbs to the specific ones and check their answers in pairs. The teacher will ask some students to come to the board to match the correct answers as FB. ICQ: Should you write or match? After this, a chart will be projected on the board and a HO of the same chart containing some differences between formal and informal writing will be given to the students. The students are asked to discuss the differences between formal and informal writing in their pairs. This will be followed by some highlighting on form, pronunciation, meaning, and register. CCQs: Are job descriptions usually formal or informal? How are the words "check" and "monitor" different? Do we use simple past to write to-do lists?

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

The teacher puts the class into two groups. Each group is given a different HO containing a to-do list and a job title. The students are asked to write a job description for each job and finalize it in their groups. They should be careful that the other group is not supposed to know their job title. After this, the students are paired with students of the other group to read and talk about their job description and guess each other's job titles. The teacher will monitor the students. The pictures of the jobs will be projected on the board to finalize the answer after the last activity. ICQ: Should you write the job description according to the to-do list? Should you talk with your group members or do it alone? Should you mention the job title to the other group?

Feedback and Error Correction (4-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

The teacher will put some mistakes that he has observed during monitoring on the board and asks the students to find the problems. Some correction will be done with the help of the students and if needed some repetition for pronunciation problems.

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