Muhammad Almuallim Muhammad Almuallim

Beginner level


In this lesson, Students are going to be introduced to there is / there are. Students are going to be followed by controlled practice.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of There is / There are in the context of Around Town

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice writing in the context of Around Town


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

11:30-11:35 / T is going to follow up the previous lesson with a picture displayed with the projector asking ''What are there in the picture?''. Students are going to mention some words from the previous lesson: bank - park - bus stop - hotel supermarket - cinema - restaurant

Highlighting (10-20 minutes) • To clarify the meaning form and pronunciation of the target language

11:36 - 11:46 / T is going to highlight the TL using some of the affirmative sentences form the listening: There is a bank There are three banks There are some banks T is going to highlight /there're/ and Ss drill. T is going to clarify and highlight singular and plural forms on the WB. CCQs: Is it one or more? (One) How many banks are there? (Three) 11:46 - 11:56 / Ss are going to drill sentences with different words. Ss are going to form sentences in HO1 following the instructions. T is going to monitor and take notes for delayed correction and feedback.

Clarification (10-15 minutes) • To clarify the form of the target language

11:56-12:06 / T is going to highlight the TL using some of the questions and negative sentences form the listening: Is there a bank around here? There isn't a bank around here. Are there any hotels around here? There aren't any hotels around here T is going to highlight, model and CCQs Is it positive or negative? (Negative) How many banks are there? (No banks 12:06-12:10 / Ss are going to drill and form negative sentences with different words. If time / Ss discuss in pairs '' What is not there in their town?

Free Practice (5-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

12:10-12:15 / Ss are going to write, answer and check in pairs HO2 about what are/aren't there in their neighborhood? T is going to monitors and take notes for delayed correction and feedback.

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