laurence olemans laurence olemans

Copy of Cultural Differences
Pre Intermediate, B1 level


In this lesson students will develop knowledge of and compare behaviors in different cultures. They will improve their reading skills by reading to predict and scanning for detailed information using a text about cultural differences. There will be some speaking practice in the context of discussing and comparing ideas about cultural behaviours.


Abc Course Book
Abc True/False question handout
Abc Culture Shock text handout

Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice by reading to predict and scanning for detailed information using a text about cultural differences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice in a conversation in the context of comparing ideas about cultural behaviours.


PRE-READING Context Lead in (4-5 minutes) • To create an interest in the topic of the text using personalization and brainstorming ideas.

T introduces the topic telling her own story of behaviors with different meanings in England and Turkey. T script: Where am I from? Ive been in Turkey 3 years. When I first came to Turkey a friend did this Mime the "tut" what does this mean in Turkey? In England, this behaviour/habit (tut) has a negative meaning. If I do this it means I dont like something you have done. In Turkey when you meet people, even for the first time they kiss you. In England we only kiss people we know really well. I was in shock - Culture Shock (write on WB) This is our topic today, looking at different cultural behaviors here. Who has visited another country? Were there any behaviours (habits) that surprised you?

PRE-READING Pre-teach Vocabulary (10-11 minutes) • To pre-teach vocabulary essential to the understanding of the text.

T script: Before we learn more about culture shock here are some words (WB) we need to check. The T elicits words through different techniques to convey meaning. Students match the words to the actions or explanations given. *See the Language Analysis doorway, point, business card, blow your nose, plate, take off, admire, pocket. T says word twice and Ss choral drill twice. Give out the hand out and students match the picture to the words by recording the vocabulary next to the pictures.

PRE-READING (4-5 minutes) • To read for prediction (to prepare Ss for the main text)

T explains True/False question hand out. T script: Here are 7 sentences. Read each sentence, in pairs decide whether the sentence is True or False. Dont worry about getting a correct answer, just guess.

WHILE READING Scan Reading (6-7 minutes) • To read for specific information.

T explanation (chesting) T script: You are going to read this text to check your TRUE and FALSE answers. This article tells us what we should and shouldn't do in different countries. Read the text on your own, then in pairs check your TRUE and FALSE answers

Whole Class Feedback (4-5 minutes) • To check answers and practice speaking.

Whole class FB T elicits answers and asks individual students to expand on the reasons given in the text for their answers. T script: How do you know it is True/false? Encourage students to expand on their answers by going back to the text. What else must you do? What else should you do?

POST READING Speaking Practice (7-8 minutes) • To provide controlled speaking practice in a conversation in the context of cultural differences.

T explains task and gives out the text T script: You are going to read this text on your own and underline 4 behaviours/habits that surprised you (you found interesting) In your group of 3 (gesture the groupings) Compare the behaviors you have underlined. I was surprised that people in ............................... Remember talk in English as much as possible. Monitoring: Are all Ss participating? encourage participation. Listen for and record grammar errors.

POST READING Whole Class Feedback - Speaking Fluency (3-4 minutes) • To provide students with speaking practice.

Ask each group which behavior surprised you the most? Why did this surprise you? Is this the same in Turkey? What should you do in Turkey? Bulgaria? Error Correction: Write a number of sentences on the board. Students correct them.

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