Ekin Göktan Ekin Göktan

Giving an opinion
Beginner level


In this lesson, ss learn how to give an opinion with the use of "I like/don't like/hate/love and "I think it's great/nice/good/bad/awful." They learn to ask opinions by "What do you think of...?" question. Ss also practice the use of subject and object pronouns through the sentences used for giving opinion.


Abc Giving an opinion and Subject&Object pronouns HO
Abc That's my opinion game
Abc Visuals about actors, singers, sports and TV shows.
Abc Picture of Cooking and Food

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for giving an opinion in the context of likes and dislikes related to food, actors, singers, sports and TV shows.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To express and get opinions in groups about food, actors, singers, sports and TV shows.
  • To provide clarification and practice of subject and object pronouns in the context of likes and dislikes related to actors, singers, sports and TV shows.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set the context for "giving an opinion" and to teach the word "opinion."

T puts the pictures about cooking and food on the WB. Shows the picture of a woman cooking and asks what she is doing. T says that she likes cooking, but she doesn't like cooking fish. Asks ss whether they like cooking or not. T introduces the word "opinion" by saying that all of us have different opinions about cooking, some of you like it some of you don't like it. Then T writes "opinion" on the right side of the WB.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through listening

T gives the first HO and says that ss listen to three dialogues about opinions and they will answer 3 questions about the dialogues. In this exercise, ss listen for gist to answer the questions.T gets WCFB.

Useful Language (7-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T shows a picture of three people sitting at a restaurant and asks ss "where are they", "what are they saying." Plays the recording, ss listen and repeat only three useful sentences used for giving an opinion. T also gives the following alternative opinions: I think it's great/nice/good/bad/awful. After drilling, T shows pictures related to food, sports and asks what they think about them. T also gives her own opinion and put smiley/sad faces next to the pictures of food. Then, ss fill the cline from "I love it" to "I hate it". Ss check answers in pairs. T gives FB on the WB by arranging the smiley/sad faces according o the phrases they correspond to and writes the phrases next to the faces.

Productive Task (7-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice TL

Ss do the next exercise and try to make sentences about the words in the box. They use the phrases mentioned in the cline. Ss read their sentences in pairs and then some of the ss share their opinions about the words in the box.

Exposure to Subject and Object Pronouns (8-9 minutes) • To combine giving an opinion with subject and object pronouns

T shows other pictures about actors, singers and TV shows. Says "Robin Williams is an actor. I think he is great, I love him. What do you think of him?", "The Simpsons and Married with Children are TV shows. I think they are good, I like them." T shows the form on the WB by underlining subject and object pronouns and elicits which one is used for females and males. After that T shows different pictures and wants ss to make similar sentences individually and then goes into substitution drill.

Controlled practice for object pronouns (4-5 minutes) • To identify the use of object pronouns

Ss replace the underlined words with object pronouns. T gives WCFB.

That's my opinion game (6-7 minutes) • To practice both giving an opinion sentences and pronouns

T divides ss into groups of four. Ss complete the circles with names of people or things that they know. When they are ready, T tells them to ask and answer questions. T models the activity. Ss should start talking about food and each ss asks his/her question then move on to the next word in the circle. T monitors for detect errors.

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