Ozgur Uyanik Ozgur Uyanik

B2 level


In this lesson ss will learn vocabulary around the topic of parenthood through the eliciting of meaning and the use of dictionaries as appropriate before moving on to consolidate the lexis during speaking tasks.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of family lexis in the context of parenthood

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a debate in the context of family


Lead-in (6-7 minutes) • Introduce the topic of parenthood

Show ss picture of a parent and child. Determine how many ss are parents then write a starter sentence on WB or better yet elicit something along these lines and ss writes it (and add the "challenging/rewarding") bit afterwards): "I think being a parent can be very ________________ (challenging/rewarding) because..." Ask a few random ss which word they would use in the sentence and give them an example sentence if necessary: "... challenging because looking after a family is expensive." Put ss in to groups of three and instruct them to each come up with a sentence themselves and discuss. Monitor the discussions for three/four minutes noting down any persistent errors. FB: ask ss at random to come to the board and write their sentences. Point out good use of language. Praise.

Lexis (9-10 minutes) • Elicit meanings

Draw two columns on WB called "Rewards" and "Challenges". The overall heading is "Parenthood." Elicit adjectives from the ss about the topic of parenthood by putting them in to two groups and line them up in front of WB and tell them the first team to finish wins. Each member of the team has to write one adjective in their column and sit down. FB: error check if there are spelling mistakes by asking the ss to point them out. Read out the following words and ask ss to write them down and in their groups decide which column the adjectives should go in. They can use a dictionary if they have to (keep one or two dictionaries near the ss). "amazing crazy exciting exhausting expensive fun incredible life-changing miraculous noisy relentless stressful unpredictable" Elicit meanings of the words class agrees they don't know and do CCQs as needed. Life-changing A big event? (yes) Affects your life? (yes) Exhausting Will you be very tired? (yes) Relentless Does it go on for a long time? (yes) Is there a way to stop it? (no) Unpredictable Do you know if the event is going to happen? (no) Can a person be unpredictable? (yes) Instruct ss to work in pairs and pick two words to use in a discussion with their partner about parenthood. Do an example: "Parenthood is amazing because you watch your children grow up in to adult human beings." ICQ: Are you working alone or in pairs? (pairs) How man words can you pick from the list? (two) Monitor for errors and pronunciation difficulties. FB, delayed error correction for meaning of lexis words and drill for pronunciation then write on WB showing the phonemic and stress (elicit the stress if possible).

Dictionary (9-10 minutes) • To have ss use a dictionary for finding out the meanings of words

Put ss in to pairs and demonstrate matching words to words with similar meanings using cutouts. Distribute cutouts to the groups and instruct them to use a dictionary if they get stuck. Put the dictionary near you and away from the ss so they have to get up to use it. Set time limit of one minute. Monitor and encourage the quieter ss to get involved. Stick cutouts of the numbered words on WB and ask ss to come up and match the other lettered words. Instruct ss to check their answers (peer checking). Show phonemics and elicit stress for the more difficult words. Drill for pronunciation. Answer Key: 1g, 2e, 3d, 4h, 5a, 6b, 7f, 8c

Using the lexis (9-10 minutes) • SS will learn how to describe meanings of words

Demonstrate the task by asking ss to give an example that describes the words "check up on." Elicit something like the following: "It's when parents phone their children all the time or read the messages on their phone." Instruct ss to choose two or three words each and WRITE DOWN an example describing the word for each one without using the word itself. Monitor and note errors of pronunciation and meaning. Then split in to three groups and tell ss to read what they have written to their group who have to guess the word. FB: Correct any pronunciations and drill. Point out good use of language. Praise.

Speaking (7-8 minutes) • Ss will practise speaking for fluency

Put ss in to new pairs and have them discuss one of the statements below (put on WB): "Teachers are more important today in a child's upbringing than their parents." "It is easier to be a grandparent than a parent." "Parents are not as strict as they used to be." ICQs: Are you working in pairs? (yes) How many statements will you discuss? (one) Monitor for errors and good use of language. Put these up on the WB.

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