TP 4b irregular verbs
Beginners level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of past simpel using irregular verbs
Subsidiary Aims
Procedure (37-50 minutes)
I will show some pictures and use some of the verbs from the book to form past- vs present ´tense sentences. Like "I went to Morocco". But today I am in Turkey. etc. Just to give them some examples of irregular verbs.
To narrow the context to a more specific area and continue to generate interest while establishing a clear and specific context for the language to arise out of. I will continue with the man in the picture who met me and ask some questions about us to elicit some irregular verbs. Ex maybe we went to a cafe. Then ask some one in the class do you go to cafes in istanbul? CCQs "we went to a cafe" is it now or in the past? "go to cafes in istanbul", is it now or in the past? etc.
use ex1 p55 To clarify meaning so learners understand it to clarify the pronunciation so learners know how to say it to clarify form so that learners know how to construct it Will start with meaning, start with a short list of things i have to do today. Explain that this is done in the present. elicit words. CCQs When am i playing football [today] is it in the present or past[present] form highlight the regular forms -ed and make them understand that this is a pattern. then explain the irregular verbs and make them understand what it means ccqs is the irregular end with -ed? no does the regular end with -ed? yes what does the irregular end with? different Show a time line pronunciation drill. choral. use difficult words. words from book
to provide controlled oral and written practice focused on using the target language accurately. ex 10&11 WB p55 will be done. SS can check in pairs. Check for feedback. if it is too hard WC.
To provide students with free practice of the target language more fluently. Talk about a happy day. Things that happened that day that made you happy in pairs. use past tense. Then we write a bubble on the board and SS share their sentences in WC. SS will write themselves.
If time activity with similar ex. from another book.