victoria sykes victoria sykes

Beginners level


In this lesson the students will focus on functional language in order to give simple directions to common, everyday places.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of language used for Giving simple directions, such as turn right, turn left & straight ahead. in the context of giving directions to common everyday places

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy in speaking through practice in a giving simple directions, such as turn right, turn left & straight ahead. in the context of giving directions to common everyday places


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

An image of a map will be projected on to the white board and students will be asked what it is, in order to capture their ınterest and set the context of the lesson. I will ask questions such as "what do you see" "what is this" & why do we need a map. Also I will ask the students to look closely and tell me what they see on the map such as common places of interest such as: a cafe a post offıce and a newsagent's.

Exposure (7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

This section will focus on exposing the students to key language needed for the upcoming exercises. The students will be given a copy of the projected map and asked to fınd all of the items listed above. The students will then be asked to check their answers in pairs and once they have completed this I will divide the class in to two group and give them a marker pen inviting them up to the board to circle all of the places identified.

Highlighting (7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Looking at the pre blocking vocabulary I will run through the places of importance highlighting the target language and gage the students understanding. Pre blocking words Identified include: Park, Newsagent's, Railway Station, Church, Sports Centre, Car Park, Supermarket & Chemist's. I will list these on the board so the students can become really familiar prior to the listening task.

Clarification (8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

This section will focus on drilling and MFP of the key language with the students and also introduce them to the concept of simple directions: "turn right" "turn left" go straight ahead" as well as helping understand the variations of these sentences such as "down the road" and "it's on the right". I've prepared a set of visuals for the students which I will place on the board and ask the students to clarify the directions to confirm their understanding.

Semi-Controlled Practice (12 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

The students will be exposed to a set of fıve questions in relation to a map. I will give the students a map containing empty boxes which they will be asked to fill whilst listening to the recording. I will start by giving the students the map but ask them to turn it over and listen to the recording. Then I will ask them to turn the map over and listen to the recording again, allowing them to become more familiar with the places. Then I will play the recording and the students will be asked to fill in the boxes, making sure they understand where their starting point is. After the exercise I will project the image on the board and ask the students to check their answers in pairs before inviting them to fill in the blanks on the board, allowing all the students to check their answers.

Free Practice (8-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The students will be asked to work in pairs (they will be asked to choose another partner) and practice giving instructions to each other. After 5 minutes of practice I will project an image of the map on the board and ask two of the stronger students to demonstrate a navigation exercise where one gives instructions and the other follows and marks the destination on the board. I will invite another couple of students to try the navigation on the board and pick up any error correction which may be required.

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