Fawaz Sheikh Elsouq Fawaz Sheikh Elsouq

TP2 Speaking
Beginner level


In this lesson, students practice speaking for accuracy and fluency in the context of exchanging information about two cities. The lesson starts with a quick revision of the adjectives students have read about in the previous lesson. Students then do ex.11 on verb to be in all forms (positive, negative, and question). Students then listen to ex.12 and practice short answers using verb to be. Finally, students do an information gap activity, ex. page 133. They practice asking and answering about personal details.


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Main Aims

  • To give students practice in speaking for accuracy (and fluency) in the context of exchanging information about two cities

Subsidiary Aims

  • Grammar & Vocabulary


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

As a warmer, students will have a quick revision for the adjectives they have learned in the previous lesson. The teacher displays illustrations of adjectives with their opposites. Students try to guess the answers. The teacher then asks CCQs like: -Show me something big in the classroom? -Find something old in the classroom? -Can you act cold? -(The teacher gestures an adjective) Can you describe me?

Exposure (9-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

In this stage, students will be exposed to the question form of verb to be. First, the teacher asks students personal questions using verb to be. The teacher copies a question and it's answer on the board. The teacher uses colours to highlight the change in order of the words in a question, in addition to highlighting the contractions in the short answers. Students elicit the difference in form and do ex.11 individually. Students then check their answers in pairs. After that, students listen to ex.12 and repeat to practice questions with short answers.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

The teacher divides students into As and Bs. Initially, As work on their own in page 88 and Bs work on their own in page 93. They do ex.a individually and then check with their pairs from the same group (A or B). Then, students A go to email A to see the answers of the questions they completed in ex.a, while students B go to email B to see their answers of the questions they completed in ex.a. The teacher then partners each A with B. Students A ask their questions about Alice and Mike to students B who try to guess the answers. After all questions are asked, B students ask their questions about Liz and Steve to A students who try to guess the answer. Students tell their partners how many correct answers they get.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

The teacher puts students in pairs, A and B. The teacher gives each students a copy of the appropriate worksheet. Students are not allowed to look at their partners' worksheets. The teacher draws Tom and Alice on the board and writes random words around the drawing like country, age, job, married, and where. The teacher elicits the appropriate questions from these words and practice the questions with their partners. Students then work with their partners and take turns to ask questions about the four couples. Student A starts by asking all the questions about Tom and Alice, then students B asks all the questions about Paco and Ana. The teacher focuses on the accuracy of short answers with the spelling. When students have finished, they compare answers with their partners and check their spelling.

Feedback and Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

The teacher monitors from students performance in p.133 exercise and takes notes. The teacher drills any problematic forms for students.

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