Rashell Lisowski Rashell Lisowski

Reading; pets and crazy/unusual pet-owners
Intermediate (upper) level


In this lesson, students focus on reading for gist and detail, in the context of pets and crazy/unusual pet-owners. Furthermore, in this lesson, students will be introduced to new vocabulary in the context of animals and pet owners. In this lesson there are three stages. The first stage, the pre-reading stage, begins with a lead-in Google Slides presentation about my own unusual relationship with some of my pets. After seeing photos and hearing the story, students will be introduced to several examples of strange things that some pet owners (myself included) do with their pets. Then, STT will begin, as Ss discuss and answer discussion questions in PW. Ss will be engaged in S focused vocabulary building exercises, which will include pictures and a matching exercise. In the second stage of the lesson, the while-reading stage, students will be engaged in GW as they complete a Jigsaw reading for gist. Different Ss will read different stories, and then STT will again be engaged, as students discuss the gist of the stories they have read and identify similarities between the stories. Next, Ss will practice reading and listening for detail. Students will rely on the details of the single story they have read, as well as details offered to them by their peers, and attempt to answer questions about all of the stories without reading each story individually. Then, everyone will read all three stories in order to check their answers. Next, in the third stage, the post-reading stage, STT is engaged during GW, as Ss discuss questions regarding their opinions of the pet owners they have read about in order to show their understanding of the materials, and help them remember what they have learned during the lesson. Finally, students are engaged in WC participation, as they are asked to share stories about their own crazy pet-owner tendencies or those of people they know. If there is extra time at the end of the lesson, Ss will test their animal-name/species knowledge by playing a short game of "animal bingo".


Abc Companions HO
Abc Vocabulary Matching HO
Abc Animal Bingo
Abc Projector

Main Aims

  • To practice and improve reading for gist and detail in the context of pets and crazy/unusual pet owners.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce students to, and provide clarification of, new vocabulary in the context of animals and pet owners.
  • Set the context for the following lesson which focuses on grammar.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-Use projector to display Google Slides presentation incorporating personal photos to introduce students to lesson context and create interest in the lesson. -Tell Ss a story about some of my own crazy/unusual actions regarding my own pets (pictured in the Google Slides presentation) to engage them. -Put students in partners and ask them to compare their reactions. -Display and then discuss the following questions with the WC. 1. Is such behavior normal? Does it make sense to you? 2. Are there people like this in your country? 3. Have you heard any other examples of of strange things people do with their pets? 4. Why do you think some people love/ get obsessed with pets? 5. Can animals really understand us and what we do? 6. Can animals really care about humans?

Pre-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

-Introduce students to potentially difficult new vocabulary with a matching HO; have them match the terms and their definitions in PW. -For FB and WC participation, ask students to tell me the correct matching combination. -Explain any terms that students did not match correctly/understand with the use of synonyms to offer alternate explanations of the vocabulary so that students can attach meaning to the new words. -For FB and to keep a "written record", use the projector and Google Slides presentation to display the correct matching combinations

While-Reading #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

-Assign students each a letter (A, B, or C), and put them into groups of 3. -Explain the Jig Saw reading task. Tell students that each person in the group will read ONE of the three stories they are about to see/ be handed. -Tell A to read about Francis Henry Egerton, B to read about Lionel Walter, and C to read about Adolphus Cooke. -Show students the "Companions HO" by chesting the HO, pointing to the different readings of A, B, and C. -Distribute the handout to students. -Allow students time to read about their assigned story. -Ask students to report their story to their group members, and discuss the similarities between the three stories.

While-Reading #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging, detailed, deduction, and inference reading tasks

-Ask students to turn all readings face down, and instruct them not to look at them for this part of the lesson. -Instruct students to work independently for this part of the lesson. -Use the projector to display the Google Slides presentation, slide #8. -Tell students that they should now answer as many of the questions on the board as possible without looking at any of their partners' readings. -Allow students time to answer these questions independently. -Ask students to turn the readings back over, and read the stories that they did not read to check their answers to the questions on the board. -For FB, ask students what the correct answer is, and confirm that they are either correct or incorrect.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

-Display the questions for ex. 5 from the Companions Ho. -Have students do ex. 5/ answer the questions on the board. -If there is extra time, explain to students that they will play Animal Bingo, and tell them that I will call out the name of an animal, and if they have that animal on their bingo card they should cross it out/ cover it. -Hand out Animal Bingo. -Begin calling out the names of the animals used in the animal bingo game. -Play until a student wins.

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