TP4--Describing a dramatic experience. Jeffrey Albertson 12:15-1:00pm
B1/B2 level
Main Aims
(Fuller version) By the end of the lesson, students will have developed their ability to listen for predicted information and detail with particular reference to a story of a near-injury.
To provide detailed listening practice using a text about dramatic situation in the context of a girl's mishap and injury
Subsidiary Aims
To provide product writing practice of a story together in the context of the group's scariest dramatic experience
Procedure (43-50 minutes)
T will ask if anyone has had any mishaps with dangerous wildlife. If not, T will tell a short/exciting story of having a black bear in the same campground as he was in when he was a boy. T will draw some illustrations and elicit some words to keep it interactive.
"That was a terrifying night for me. We will listen to a story of another type of frightening thing. But first, we need to take care of some words that you will hear." (QW)(2-3 minutes) T will group the Ss into 2-3 groups of 2-3 for a matching vocab to meaning game. After 3 minutes or win 2 groups are done, T will guide Ss to check each others and then check the answers in the hall. The blocking words are: Dramatic Suddenly Immediately Realised Obviously
(T-OC)(2-3 minutes) T will show the two pictures on page 34 of the two girls on the stairs and the mom sitting with one of the girls who is laying in a hospital bed. T will elicit a few ideas of how the two pictures connect and what the story they are telling could be. (PW)(2 minutes) Then, T will chested instruct Ss to talk in pairs about the questions 1-2 in 1b for 1 minute. (T-OC)(1 minute) T will instruct Ss to listen and think about the answers to the questions in 1b. T will play audio text for 01:50. After listening, T will instruct Ss to think about the answers and share them with their partner. T will monitor.
(T-OC)(1 min) T will instruct the Ss to unfold the next section to reveal question 2 and the word gap exercise for listening for details. (Solo) (2 minutes) Ss will listen and answer the questions. (PW) (2 minutes)T will instruct the Ss to tell their answers to each other and discuss differences. (GW) (2 minutes) T will have one student share their answer, and nominate another to share.
Ready (T-OC)(1 minute) T will divide the class into 2 groups. T will give instructions: As a group, you will write a fiction story of the most dramatic event you can think of. (1 minute) 1. Share ideas of dramatic events. Decide on one quickly. Decide who will write it, or take turns. (2 minutes) 2. Discuss the background to the story and write it. (like "He was living in...") (2 minutes) 3. Discuss and write what was happening. (like "He was on the way to...") (2 minutes) 4. Describe and write the dramatic events ("He saw..." or other actions) (2 minutes) 5. Write how the person felt about what happened. ("amazingly...") (2 minutes) 6. Explain what the person learned from what happened. ("Afterwards, he realized...")
(Mingle)(3-4 minutes) Ss will read the other groups' stories. optional (OC-T)(2-3 minutes) T will elicit 2-3 Ss to share a summary of the story their group wrote.