Mahdis Rostamzadeh Mahdis Rostamzadeh

Job listing
Pre-Int level


In this lesson, the students will practice must (for obligation) and don't have to through a job advertisement. They will use a website to search for a job and also post a job advertisement, through which they learn some lexis related to the context (job advertisement) which can also familiarize them with authentic tasks of daily life. Moreover, the lesson is planned in a way to encourage learners' autonomy so that not only they pick up the language needed for reading a job advertisement, but also they practice skills they need outside the classroom. This lesson is designed for university students in a preparatory program. The students are at intermediate level and they have access to technology in class. There is a smart board connected to the Internet in class and the students also use their own devices. There are 20 students in this class, 10 men and 10 women.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice must and don't have to in the context of job advertisements

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan and detailed reading practice using a text about job listing in the context of job advertisements
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of job advertisements


Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks the Ss if they are familiar with craigslist, then opens the website on the smart board in class and tells the Ss that they are going to look for a part-time job on craigslist as pair work. But first they should check a few vocabulary items in their dictionaries and learn their pronunciations. T writes the words on the board and monitors the Ss while they look up the words: Full-time, part-time job, compensation, recruitment agency

Exposure (12-13 minutes) • To highlight useful words and practice speaking

T concept checks the vocabulary items assigned in the previous task. Ss in pairs go on craigslist and find a part-time job, then they answer the following questions in pairs: - What is this job and what are your duties? Why did you pick this job? (T writes these questions on the board before assigning the task) Ss are re-grouped and discuss the previous questions with their new partners. T monitors and scaffolds if necessary. T takes notes of possible mistakes for delayed error correction.

pre-reading (3-4 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills and set the context for the reading activity

T puts the heading of the advertisement on the board and brainstorms ideas to guess what kind of job it is.

Reading (8-9 minutes) • to provide exposure to the TL

In groups of three, Ss are asked to guess what the requirements for this job are. T pre-teaches some vocabulary items needed for this activity and read the text to find the answer.

Language Analysis (13-14 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

T asks the Ss to underline must in the text. T elicits the answers and writes them on the board to concept check: E.g. You must be a male. CCQs: Is it important to be a man for this job? (yes) Can women apply for this job? (No) T explains the difference between must and don't have to and drills some example sentences. Hands out the exercises for controlled practice. Early finishers write the answers on the board.

Language Practice (15-16 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

T assigns the Ss to use must and don't have to to write a job advertisement in pairs. T monitors and scaffolds if necessary. (Padlet is used for this activity so that at the end Ss can read each others' advertisements, compare and suggest corrections.)

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