Speaking about possibilities 12:15-1:00
B2 level
Main Aims
To clarify and practice modal verbs (will, could, may, & might) for speculating.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy in speaking to speculate in the context of communication.
Procedure (30-40 minutes)
T asks students if they have mobile phones. T sets up scenario eliciting the idea of "possible, impossible, and possibility." I want to call Oğuz, and I don't know his number. If I just push 12 numbers, will Oğuz will get my call? Why won't I get Oğuz? T will give instructions with chested and folded HO1 A side. T will give each table enough. (After a chance for Ss to think and discuss, ask pairs to share) (Elicite) What word would we use to talk about this? Pause. (Impossible) What if I know Oğuz's phone number, but I forget 1 number. I guess what number is right and I call. Will I reach Oğuz? More likely or less likely? (than not having anything) (More likely) What if I know all of Oğuz's number and I call him. Will his phone ring? Are you sure about this? It will call Oğuz's phone? Or it might call Oğuz's phone? (It will call Oğuz's phone.) If I know Oğuz's number, I have a higher/bigger pos… Possibility of talking to him. CCQ: If it is "impossible" if I don't know his number, what would we say it is if I do know his number? Possible T will write "POSSible" "imPOSSible" "impossiBILity" on the board and lightly Drill (due to this just being pre-text vocab).
T will give instructions with chested and folded HO1 B side. Ss will read and think about the answers alone for 2-3 min. Then pairs will discuss for 2 min. During this, T will monitor if they understood, and can answer. T will elicit an answer from the pairs. T will board the answers. __ T will elicit the form by asking students to work in pairs and find what kind of word always comes right before the underlined words. Further, T will elicit by asking what always comes right after the underlined word. T will write "Subject + Modal verb + Verb" on the board. __ T will give instructions to listen as he says the sentences. T will mark main sentence stress on first one. T will instruct Ss to put a box over the main sentence stress on the others. T will instruct Ss to compare answers.
T will give chested instructions for Ex. 2 on HO2. T will give to tables. T will invite the Ss to do the 4th one together. T will board the exercise and elicit and write the answers.
T will give chested instructions on HO3 on the first fold. Alone first, and then in pairs. Elicit answers from pairs. (Answers may vary)
Change pair grouping. T will give instructions for part B of HO 3. This gives more options for students to choose from. After Part B, T will give instructions for part C. Students will work in pairs to share opinions.