Jeffrey Albertson Jeffrey Albertson

Speaking about possibilities 12:15-1:00
B2 level


In this lesson students will learn about ways to express degrees of possibility through guided discovery based on a reading test from the previous teaching slot. The lesson starts with Eliciting the concept of possibility to create a context for the modal verbs (will, could, may, and might) to make sense. This is followed by the GD and followed by Pronunciation and exercises. Finally, there is controlled written and freer spoken practice to finish with.


Main Aims

  • To clarify and practice modal verbs (will, could, may, & might) for speculating.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy in speaking to speculate in the context of communication.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context, engage students, give pre-text vocab

T asks students if they have mobile phones. T sets up scenario eliciting the idea of "possible, impossible, and possibility." I want to call Oğuz, and I don't know his number. If I just push 12 numbers, will Oğuz will get my call? Why won't I get Oğuz? T will give instructions with chested and folded HO1 A side. T will give each table enough. (After a chance for Ss to think and discuss, ask pairs to share) (Elicite) What word would we use to talk about this? Pause. (Impossible) What if I know Oğuz's phone number, but I forget 1 number. I guess what number is right and I call. Will I reach Oğuz? More likely or less likely? (than not having anything) (More likely) What if I know all of Oğuz's number and I call him. Will his phone ring? Are you sure about this? It will call Oğuz's phone? Or it might call Oğuz's phone? (It will call Oğuz's phone.) If I know Oğuz's number, I have a higher/bigger pos… Possibility of talking to him. CCQ: If it is "impossible" if I don't know his number, what would we say it is if I do know his number? Possible T will write "POSSible" "imPOSSible" "impossiBILity" on the board and lightly Drill (due to this just being pre-text vocab).

Language Clarification through Guided-discovery (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language and learn the grammar through a text and check concept

T will give instructions with chested and folded HO1 B side. Ss will read and think about the answers alone for 2-3 min. Then pairs will discuss for 2 min. During this, T will monitor if they understood, and can answer. T will elicit an answer from the pairs. T will board the answers. __ T will elicit the form by asking students to work in pairs and find what kind of word always comes right before the underlined words. Further, T will elicit by asking what always comes right after the underlined word. T will write "Subject + Modal verb + Verb" on the board. __ T will give instructions to listen as he says the sentences. T will mark main sentence stress on first one. T will instruct Ss to put a box over the main sentence stress on the others. T will instruct Ss to compare answers.

Controlled Practice (4-7 minutes) • To check understanding of meaning of the modal verbs showing possibility and additional ways to express possibility.

T will give chested instructions for Ex. 2 on HO2. T will give to tables. T will invite the Ss to do the 4th one together. T will board the exercise and elicit and write the answers.

Semi-Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T will give chested instructions on HO3 on the first fold. Alone first, and then in pairs. Elicit answers from pairs. (Answers may vary)

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Change pair grouping. T will give instructions for part B of HO 3. This gives more options for students to choose from. After Part B, T will give instructions for part C. Students will work in pairs to share opinions.

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