Esin Karabulut Ozturk Esin Karabulut Ozturk

Esin-06 October 2017-Holiday
Beginner level


In this lesson, students will discuss holiday stories in the context of people and places. They will practice gist and detailed reading tasks about holiday stories. The students will have the chance to personalize the topic through a speaking task.


Abc My photos of Italy
Abc Task 2A, Eales, F. with Oakes, S. Speakout Starter SsWB, Pearson
Abc Task 2B, Eales, F. with Oakes, S. Speakout Starter SsWB, Pearson

Main Aims

  • • To provide gist and detailed reading practice about holiday stories in the context of people and places

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To revise vocabulary about holiday stories in the context of people and places


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To generate interest in the context of holiday activities

'Today we will talk about holidays.' Show photos: 'Now look at these photos. Do you know these cities?' 'I went to Rome and Florence last year. I saw old buildings and I ate the local food . It was very good holiday.' Model it with one student from the class: 'What did you do on your last holiday? Was it good?' Write the questions on the board. Talk about your last holiday with your partner for 1-2 minutes. WCF

Pre-teach vocabulary (4-5 minutes) • To pre-teach key vocabulary to help students understand the text

Pre-teach Ss the following vocabulary for the holiday topic: beach (n) /biːtʃ/ Elicit the word 'beach' by the help of a photo CCQs Is this place close to the sea? (Yes) Can we swim there? (Yes) town (n) /taʊn/ Elicit the word 'town' by writing 'Izmir. Cesme' on the WB and make Ss to predict CCQs Is Cesme smaller than Izmir? (Yes) Is Cesme a city? (No) local (adj) /ˈləʊ.kəl/ local food Elicit the word 'local' by saying: 'Pizza for Italy, kebap for Turkey, sushi for Japan' and make Ss predicit CCQs Do Turkish people usually cook sushi? (No) Do Turkish people usually cook pizza? (No) Do Turkish people usually cook kebap? (Yes)

Reading for gist (5-7 minutes) • To encourage Ss to read for gist

Gist for task 2A: 'Read the article alone and match the paragraphs with A, B, or C.' 'Together or alone? Match with A, B or C? Three minutes.' 'Check with your partner' Stick the reading text on the WB. Ss match the right paragraph on the WB.

Reading for detail (8-10 minutes) • To practice reading for detailed comprehension

Task 2B: 'Read the text again. There are ten sentences. Mark true or false. Work in pairs.' 'Together or alone? True, false?Four minutes.' Divide the class into groups. Stick the task 2B on the WB. One person from each group come to the WB and write the answers. WCF and ask how Ss determined the answers

Post-Reading (Speaking) (6-8 minutes) • To develop oral fluency on the topic

Discussion on: 'Tell about a good or a bad holiday story to your partner.' Model it to Ss: 'With my family, we were going to America. The plane was very late but we got on the plane anyway. However, while we were on the plane, the pilot told that he had to go back and the flight would be tomorrow. So we had to wait for the next day. Luckily they gave us a hotel room very close to the airport.' Have Ss to discuss in pairs. Regroup pairs and discuss again. WCF

Free practice (if-time activity) (5-6 minutes) • To provide further practice on vocabulary

Divide the class into groups. Show the words 'beach, town, local': 'Write one sentence with each word. Work in your groups.' 'Together or in your group? Write three sentences?' Five minutes. Make one student from each group write one sentence on the WB.

Feedback and error correction (4-5 minutes) • To give feedback and error correction on spoken and written language

Give feedback on overall speaking and writing tasks. Work on the collected errors from speaking and writing tasks

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