06 October.TP 8B.Listening
B1 level
Main Aims
To provide Ss with some listening practice and the sub-skills:listening for gist and specific information.
Subsidiary Aims
to create a chance for the Ss to discuss the same topic to practice fluency through personalization.
Procedure (28-45 minutes)
T sets the task asking the following question. how good do you think your memory is with :names,places,faces,hpone numbers,conversations,song lyrics. T gives instructions before running the task. T asks Ss to talk to their partners first and then to the class. T asks ICQs: are you goiong to tahink alone or to talk with a partner?( in pairs) are you going to tell the class about it or not?(yes) T runs the task. T asks if they have a special technique for remebering different things.
T checks if they know what witness and cctv mean . T asks Ss for the answers and shows and image of CCTV. T asks CCQs to check everyone's understandin gof th eterms. does thsi person see or listen ?(see) T shows an image of a crime scene. T asks Ss to study the image for 30 seconds . T asks Ss to close their books and answer some Qs : what was the crime? where was the crime? what was the crimibnal wearing? were there any witnesses? what did th ewitness or witnesses look like? to see how much they remember. Tasks ICQs : Are you going to listen or read?(listen) are you going to write theanswers to the Qs or just listen?(write the answers) are you going to work alone or witha aprtner?(first alone and then share) T runs the tasks. Ss check their ideas against the image and discuss what they remember and didn't remember.what they noticed and didn't notice.
T sets a new task.(listening to a recording about a witness telling her friend about what she saw.) T asks Ss to listen to some one talking about something individually. T wants the Ss to say what it is about.(gist) T wants them to check their answers with a partner. T asks ICQs: are you going to listen or read? are you going to get the answers alone or with a partner?(with a partner) are you going to listen to get every thing or just the topic?(the topic) T runs the task.(plays the ausio file) T asks Ss pairs for answer. T set another task.(specific information) T wants Ss to listen again to the same person . T asks Ss to look at the image and listen carefully and find 4 details th ewitness got wrong.and take notes. T gives time to piars to compare ideas. T goes through the answers withe class.(whole class check)
T sets another task (discussion) T wants Ss to think of a similar crime scene they witness. T gives time (3 minutes ) to think and prepare. T asks ICQs. are you going to lsiten or think and write?(think and write) are you going to talk about a crime scene or shopping?(crime secen) T asks volunteers to tell their story and encourage others to ask question to find out more information.