Taher Bahrani Taher Bahrani

Adverbs of frequency
Beginners A1 level


In this lesson the students learn how to use adverbs of frequency in the context of "a day off".


Abc Powerpoint slides for the answers of the first reading
Abc Redston, Ch., & Cunningham, G. (2013). Face to face second edition, Cambridge University Press

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of adverbs of frequency

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice adverbs of frequency in reading passages related to the context of "a day off"


Stage 1 (Lead in) (3-5 minutes) • To set the general context of the lesson

Ask the students to work with their partner and take turn talking about the things they do on Sundays. Ask the students to tell the whole class about the things they do on Sundays.

Stage 2 (Contextualizing the target language) (6-7 minutes) • To contextualize the target language using a reading passage

The students read a passage about Ian individually. They answer the questions in pairs. The teacher shows the answers using powerpoint slides to highlight the target language using graphic.

Stage 3 (Target language clarification) (5-7 minutes) • To highlight and clarify the target language (MFP)

Draw a continuum on the WB. Mark the two ends 0% and 100%. Write one of the adverbs. For example, write "never" and draw the students attention to the other adverbs of the frequency used in the passage. Clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation (MFP).

Stage 4 (Practice the target language) (9-10 minutes) • To provide further activities practicing the target language

Ask the students to write a sentence about their routine for each adverb of frequency using the continuum with a blank box over each adverb. The students check their answers with other students. The students read a passage about "Becky". Put the students in pairs to correct the wrong sentences using adverbs of frequency. The students check their answers with other students. Peer-correction and feedback from the teacher. The students are divided into groups to make sentences with some words. Any group which finishes soon helps other groups. Swap groups to check the answers.

Stage 5 (Productive skill) (5-6 minutes) • To practice more speaking using the target language

The students talk in pairs about the things they do in their free times using adverbs of frequency. They mingle around and tell other students about their partner.

Stage 6 (Feedback and error correction) (3-4 minutes) • To provide feedback on the students performance on stage 5

Provide feed back and error correction by highlighting the students' errors.

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