Amirali Monfared Amirali Monfared

TP#3 Reading
B2 level


In this lesson students learn new vocabulary and read about "aging". The lesson starts with a vocabulary task and would proceed with a reading about two people who imposed as elderly people and their experience in the society. The lesson ends with a controlled practice (reading for specific information) and a freer practice where students personalize the topic and talk about the elderly homes in Turkey.


Abc pre-teaching hand out
Abc cases and words
Abc reading part one
Abc reading part two

Main Aims

  • To give students practice in reading for gist and specific information in the context of aging.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students clarification of vocabulary and provide a chance to speak about aging.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • to activate Ss schemata of the topic

T starts the class by getting the Ss interested in the subject of elderly people. INS.: "I want you to watch the video and find out how many things went wrong? and why?" ICQ: "How many questions will you answer?" T plays the video clip (Vid.1) and then pairs the Ss to talk about the video.

Pre-Reading (3-5 minutes) • To pre-teach vocabulary key lexis needed to help Ss complete tasks and understand the text

T chests H/O.1 and INS.: "I am going to give you a handout with some words and meanings on it. Keep it folded and match them." ICQ: "Are you going to unfold it?" T distributes H/O.1

Pre-Reading (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text by working with related vocab.

T puts Ss into three groups and gives them H/O.2 INS.: "I want you guys to decide which word goes into which case?" ICQ: "How many cases do we have?" ICQ: "Can you have one word into both cases?" T gives each group two cases and some words and gives Ss 3 minutes to put them into the appropriate case. Afterwards T asks Ss to: INS.: "Pass your cases to the next group and see if they have something different". ICQ.: "Do you keep your cases?"

While-Reading (Gist) (2-3 minutes) • For Ss to get an overview of the text

T chests H/O.3 and tell Ss: INS.: "Look at the pictures here. What has been done to them? and why?" T gives Ss 1 minute to read the text and pairs them to talk to each other, giving each other feedback.

While-Reading (for inference) (3-5 minutes) • To practice reading for inferred meanings.

T asks Ss to INS.: "Look at the text and try to guess the meanings of the highlighted words together in your pairs." ICQ.: "How many words do you have?" T gives Ss two minutes and then puts pictures on the board and asks takes WCFB.

Pre-Reading/Prediction Task (3-5 minutes) • To encourage Ss to think about the text before reading

T pairs Ss and puts these questions on the board: -how did they feel after the program? -how do you think they were treated differently? INS.: "Read the questions here and answer them with your partners."

While-Reading (5-7 minutes) • For learners to understand the text in depth

T chests H/O.4 INS.: "I want you guys to read the text in 5 minutes and tell you partners, were your predictions right?" ICQ.: "Who do you talk to after reading the text?"

Post-Reading (3-5 minutes) • To practice reading for specific information

T asks Ss to flip their readings INS.: "Flip your handouts and answer the questions in pairs." ICQ.: "Where are the questions?"

Post-Reading / Speaking task (5-7 minutes) • To develop oral fluency on the topic

T puts the following question on the board: -is it bad to put loved ones in elderly homes? would you? INS.: "Talk about the topic with your partners/"

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