Meltem Alp Meltem Alp

Brain food LP
intermediate level


In this lesson, Students will learn about brain food. The lesson will be introduced with a video about healthy diet, this will lead to a vocab lesson teaching brain food with some pre-teaching about "nourishment" . This will be followed by tow listening exercises focusing on Brain Food and its benefits. Then followed up by controlled and freer practice.


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Main Aims

  • To provide specific information, gist and detailed listening practice from audio that includes brain foods such as, chocolate, coffee, whole grain etc. and coupling them with the context and phrases learned . This will be followed by a freer practice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • The provide clarification and short practice on vocab such as, "nourishment" and "benefit" in the context of brain food.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher will start the lesson with a video about healthy eating. I will elicit what kind of meal they think this is and. I will ask them to try and identify some of the items as a WC and ss will be asked to define the topic of the lesson. What do you think aout this kind of food? Is it healthy? Do the fruit and vegetables have benefits for us? Why do we need to eat this kind of healthy food?

Pre-Listening Activity (7-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

I will give clear instructions for the game '' GUESS WHAT?'' "Look at the information and fill in the missing letters for each item." I will monitor them individually to see how well the Ss know about the functional language etc -I will pick Ss to go to the WB - "Fill in the missing letters for each item" -Drill - Pronounce each food and repeat, correct where necessary - Show Slide 7: - whole grains, coffee, bluberries and chocolate - Elicit - "What do these have in common"? - Lead to good for us and for our brain- and write "brain food" on the WB -CCQ - "Is coffee good for your brain"? (Yes) -Elicit - benefit "Do you think that these kind of food have health benefits"? - Yes -

Pre-Teach Vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • To elicit, meaning, form and pronunciation of vocabulary that SS will encounter in the lesson

I will start this stage of my lesson by showing another video from Sesame Street. I will pause the video to elicit the meaning of ''stay alive, stay healthy, grow stronger, key= important, energy, focus more'' By using the slides i will have the ss discuss about ''What are the basic things for human need to survive?'' SS will practice functional language ''I think + we need to'' at this stage.Then i will lead them to the word ''nourishment''. After clarifying the meaning they will fill the sentences given by talking in pairs.After a small discussion students will circle the correct word on their HOs. This will be done individually and at the end of 2 min. they will be giving the answer on WB. I will monitor the ss and uncover any unknown vocab.

While Listening #1 (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with deduction and inference before the listening task

I will have students make predictions about the topic of the listening task and explain the importance of making the prediction before they hear the listening. What is brain food? What do you already know about the brain food? What do you want to know about the topic? ASK ss: What are the benefits of eating brain food? I will do this part as whole class FeedBack.

While-/Listening 2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Clear instruction - "Listen to the interview and check the foods/drinks that the doctor talk about.'' ICQs : What are you going to do? You are going to listen and check...?Play Audio 1.02 - Listen to the excerpts and match the foods with its benefits-Play Audio 1.03 -ICQ - "Would you like to hear it again"? -Re-play audio if necessary -PW - "Please check your answers with your partner" -Monitor - Monitor each pair and listen and uncover any issues -"Listen to the interview again and circle the best answer to complete the sentences''.PW - "Please check your answers with your partner" - Monitor each pair and listen and uncover any issues Pick the early finishers to write the answers on the WB -WC FB

Freer Practice (7-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

-HOs will be given and read the instructions clearly from the slide. -Demo exercise with strong student -"Please stand up and walk around the room and talk with each other. -Ask each of your classmates…1) Do you think brain foods provide any benefits ? Make sentences with '' I think/ don't think '' 2) When I eat brain food I feel more.../ If I don't eat brain food I feel more... Monitor - the WC from mingle exercise. -Provide delayed error correction if needed.

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