Sevde Sevde

Present Simple Questions and Answers
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will play the free-time activity for vocabulary practicing purposes. A short discussion in pairs about the activities they do alone or with friends will then follow up. Students will then do a listening activity for gist and for detail. A survey using the present simple questions and answers will be given out to students to recognize the grammatical structure which will then be discussed on the board as whole class. Finally, students will be given an exercise to rearrange the words to make questions.


Main Aims

  • To clarify the meaning, form, and pronunciation of present simple questions and short answers in the context of typical friends.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice listening for gist and for detail in the context of "Typical Friends".


Stage1 (4-5 minutes) • Lead in

- T writes down "free-time activities" on the board - T asks the Ss if they can give 1 example of a free-time activity. If students can't answer, T says "I like to watch tv." -T writes down the phrase "Watch tv" on the board. - T divides the class into two groups by giving them numbers (1-2). The 1's form a group on one side of the board and the 2's form another one on the other side - T explains the board rush game and sets a time limit of 2 minutes - Once the activity is over, T decides who the winner is by counting the answers of the two groups. - Students will thendiscuss with their partners what activities they do alone and the activities they do with their friends. ICQ: Do you write the activities or do you talk about them? - Students will then be introduced to a picture of a man who's a psychiatrist. The students will be asked who a psychiatrist is. A short talk about him.

Stage 2 (3-5 minutes) • Discussion between students

- T pairs the Ss - T writes down the following sentences on the board; 1. Which activities do you usually do alone? 2. Which activities do you usually do with friends? and tells them to ask each other these questions and answer them. - T models the activity by answering each question once. ICQ - So, are you going to write the answers or only tell each other your answers? - T sets a time limit of 2 minutes. - Ss answer the questions with their partner

Stage 3 (3-5 minutes) • Set the context

- T shows a picture of a man and introduces him. "This is Palmer. Do you know who he is?" If no one replies, T says "Do you think he is an engineer or a doctor?" - T says, "He is a psychiatrist. Do you know who is a psychiatrist?" - If Ss don't reply, T says, "When I'm sad and I feel depressed, I go to a psychiatrist. He is like a doctor but he listens to you and tells you what to do to feel better."

Stage 4 (3-4 minutes) • Gist Listening

-T tells the Ss they will do a listening exercise. " I will give you a paper (T shows it). It has 9 words written on them. You will listen and put a tick (T demostrates on board) if you hear the word." ICQ: " So are you going to listen or talk?" - T waits for Ss reply " Is there words or sentences on the paper?" - T waits for Ss reply " How many words?" - T waits for Ss reply "If you hear the words, will you put a tick (gestures) or a cross (gestures) on the word?) - T waits for Ss reply - T starts the audio (1 min 10 sec) - When the audio is over, T checks answers on the board

Stage 5 (5-7 minutes) • Listening for detail

- T gives intstrucions "Now, I will give you another paper with sentences written on it. I will play the audio again. Listen carefully. If the sentences are about men, write (M) - DEMO. If the sentence is about women, write (W) - DEMO." ICQ: " The paper has sentences or words?" - T waits for Ss reply " If the sentence is about women, do we put (M) or (W)?" - T waits for Ss reply " If the sentence is about men, do we write (M) or (W)?" - T waits for Ss reply - T gives the HO and tells the students to not answer questions 1 and 2. (T demonstrates on her paper) - The audio is played. - T asks if Ss want to listen again. If yes, the audio is played for the second time. - T checks answer on board with WC

Stage 6 (8-10 minutes) • Understanding simple present tense question and answer structures

" Now, I will give you another HO. You will ask your pair the qestions and s/he will answer." - T pairs the Ss and sets a time limit of 2 minutes. " Now (T chooses Ss) tell me s/he likes or doesn't like ......." (1 min) - T writes the present simple questions on the board and puts a circle on the pronoun 'you' "What can we say instead of you?" - T waits for Ss reply - T writes 'they' on top of the word 'you' "Can we say 'Do he like .....?" - T waits for Ss reply "What do we say then?" - T waits for Ss reply - T puts a circle around 'Do' and writes 'Does he like .....?' - T puts a circle around 'he' and asks "What can we say other than he?" - T waits for Ss reply - T writes 'she' on top of 'he' -T then asks for an answer to the first question " Do you say 'Yes, I do' or 'Yes, I does'? -T says "So if the question is 'do' you answer with 'do' "What if it's negative, then we put 'not' right? So it becomes 'do+not= don't' or 'does+not=doesn't'. Now, do I say 'No, I don't' or 'No, I doesn't'?" (all written on the board) - T explains that the answer is always a 'Do' for the questions that start with 'do' even if it's negative -T then asks for an answer to the second question " Do you say 'Yes, s/he do' or 'Yes, s/he does'? -T says "So if the question is 'does' you answer with 'does' "What do we say if it's negative? Do we say 'No, s/he don't' or 'No, s/he doesn't'?" CCQ: "Do you like ...? or Does you like ....?" "Do s/he like .... ? or Does s/he like .....?

Stage 7 (6-7 minutes) • Forming simple present tense questions

T puts Ss in groups "I will give you this HO (shows). There are words. You will put them in the correct order to form the question." - T does the first example on board - Ss are given 3 minutes to answer in their groups - T checks answers with WC.

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