Amber Amber

Jobs Lesson
Beginners level


In this lesson, students will apply the knowledge gained from the two lessons about jobs immediately before by completing exercises and participating in an interactive activity. First, they will learn names of common job positions (i.e. 'manager') through photos. Then, they will complete a written exercise and a PW activity aimed to teach them the grammar needed to inquire and learn about job titles, and to briefly review their lesson on nationalities. Finally, they will engage in a roleplaying activity to practice using the terms and grammar they learned in conversation with each other.


Abc Job Titles Handout (adapted from Face to Face Starter WB)
Abc Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise Answer Key (from Face to Face Starter WB)
Abc Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise (from Face to Face Starter WB)
Abc Identities Roleplaying Activity Cards (from Face to Face Starter TB)
Abc Yes/No Question Strips (adapted from Face to Face Starter WB)

Main Aims

  • To provide vocabulary related to job titles and the grammar needed to inquire about and discuss them

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice about jobs
  • To provide controlled written practice of the grammar about jobs


Job Titles Vocabulary (5-10 minutes) • To introduce lesson vocabulary through visuals

T holds up pictures of job titles and introduces the word pronunciation. Ss repeat the words. T disperses HOs to students, shows the photos on the walls, and asks Ss to walk around and write down the job titles underneath the appropriate photos on the HO. T checks answers with the WC.

Fill-in-the-Blank Exercise (10-15 minutes) • To teach them the grammar needed to inquire and learn about nationalities and job titles

T hands out the exercise, and demonstrates the first two lines of #1. Ss fill out the HO and after, T gives a HO with the answers. After they check their answers, they practice reading the conversation in pairs. T chooses students to model two conversations in front of the WC.

Yes/No Question Strip Activity (10-15 minutes) • To further understand the grammar needed to inquire about nationalities and job titles

T regroups Ss into new pairs, and then shows example on the board. T hands out sets of questions cut up into individual words. Ss order the words properly. T checks the answers with the WC: T calls on Ss to read examples of proper questions.

Identities Roleplaying Activity (15-20 minutes) • To practice using the terms and grammar they learned in conversation with each other

T passes out the roleplaying cards (duplicates to a male/a female) and shows the WC the example card to explain the cards. Ss fill out their cards. T demonstrates the activity by asking Ss about themselves. Ss get up and mingle and ask each other about themselves. Ss sit down, and T asks the WC about specific students' names, nationalities, and job titles.

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