what did you really do on the weekend?
pre-intremediate level
Main Aims
To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a what did you really do on the weekend ? in the context of what did you really do on the week ?
To provide fluency and accuracy
To provide clarification
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification of adjectives ending -ed and -ing in the context of last weekend
Procedure (45-59 minutes)
T will stick some pictures on the board and asks Ss to describe these photos . "can you describe this photos ? " then T asks Ss to speak about the activities in the pictures and asks them" when can you do these activities?". I allows Ss to provide their opinions without being tempted to lecture them on your stance.
T will stick another picture on the board and ask Ss about the relation between this picture and the other pictures "tell me about the relation between them ". Feedback : T gets some ideas about the activities that we can do in the vacation from Ss.
T will ask Ss to focus on the endings of the adjectives, then T sticks some paper that have the -ed and -ing endings .T sticks two papers on the bored one of them refers to the people and the other one refers to the things,then asks students to stick the adjectives in the right place. Feedback:in this stage I will not do the feed back ,but I will do it after the next task.
T will give Ss task and ask them to match each adjective it's meaning . T asks Ss to check answers together, then he gives the feedback.
T will give Ss a task and asks them to look at the questions about last weekend "What did you really do on the weekend?". to answer them truthfully but T asks them to invent one answer to make his or her more exciting. T asks Ss to inter view each other on the questions to guess which answer your partner invented . Feedback Teacher asks a student to tell him about his partner weekend.
Task3:T will give students a task and asks them to read the questions to answer these questions inpairs with (agree) or (disagree) ,then say why ? Feed back:T asks Ss to tell him the same or the different answers .
T will ask students to choose one of them to play the hot seat game with him or her.