Intermediate level
In this lesson students learn about some adjectives like being liberal,radical,conservative and etc.
Main Aims
To provide clarification of Adjectives
Subsidiary Aims
To provide review of language used for Using adjectives
Procedure (39-48 minutes)
Warming (8-10 minutes) • Practice different adjectives
Ask them to speak about their friends or their families and their adjectives.
Vocabulary (13-15 minutes) • Teaching vocabulary
I draw some men on the W_B and say their adjectives and explain their meaning and teach them the exact word with it's pronunciation and it's form.
Practice (8-10 minutes) • practice and giving energy
Write the explaination on the W_B and ask them to come and write the word of it.
Conversation (10-13 minutes) • Practice speaking
In pairs I ask them to make a conversation and use different adjectives in it and also use new words that they learn.
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